
WikiRadio will be an online radio program focused on Wikipedia, the Wikimedia projects, the Wikimedia programs in Venezuela, free knowledge and open Internet
targetSpanish Wikipedia, Commons and Wikidata
start dateSeptember 15th
end dateDecember 15th
budget (USD)950 USD $
grant typeindividual
contact(s)• Dennis6492(_AT_)

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WikiRadio will be an online radio program focused on Wikipedia, the Wikimedia projects, the Wikimedia programs in Venezuela, free knowledge and open Internet. Wikimedia Venezuela will partner with Humano Derecho Radio Estación, a project of Redes Ayuda and Provea, two of the main human rights organizations in the country.

Project Goal


What is the problem we’re trying to solve?

  1. Absence of information broadcasting platforms about Wikimedia projects in the country.
  2. Gap between readers and contributors, the few bold that step forward to edit.
  3. Myths around the encyclopedia.
  4. Low participation levels of the community of registered users.
  5. Low levels of new female users in Wikimedia projects.

Project Plan


What is our solution?

  1. With the weekly air show with space dedicated to the broadcast of Wikipedia, we look forward to attract the community of potential volunteers to participate in the chapter.
  2. Demystify the main existing concerns towards the Wikipedia edition. Which are the main policies? Can anyone edit an article?
  3. Reveal the collaborative nature of the platform and in this way to invite readers to contribute.
  4. Highlight the role of women in different areas (academic, social, economic, cultural) in Venezuela.

Activities to develop

  • Segment focused in our projects and how to be part of them (Adopta un Civil, ChicasWiki, Desafío Tricolor, among others)
  • Interviews with people related to free knowledge in the country and globally (journalists, academics, volunteers)
  • Segment to talk about Wikipedia and Free Knowledge in the popular culture, quick facts about studies, gaps of content and cool projects around the world.
  • Step-by-step editing guides.


  • Three months, twelve episodes
  • Periodicity: 1 weekly program
  • Duration: 30 minutes.
  • Radio host: Oscar . and Marinati55


  • Humano Derecho's radio station has a weekly traffic of 3.000 users in their online radio, WikiRadio expects to have 15% of that audience in our weekly show.
  • Expected number of new volunteers attracted to the project due to their interaction with the radio program. Measurement through the subscription platform of the chapter, specifically the question about how they found out about us.



The episodes of WikiRadio will be recorded (audio and video) for later distribution through our different digital platforms. Because this is the first season of the program, we expect to gather enough metrics and 'knowhow' in order to plan for future seasons.

Community engagement


As part of the community outreach work, we need to reach out outside the radio platform, this will be conducted through:

  • Surveys on social media (Instagram and Twitter stories).
  • Uploading the episodes on YouTube and Commons for future broadcast.
  • Creating a landing page in the Spanish Wikipedia about the radio program.



Producer of the program

  • Tasks: person responsible for the invitation of guests and the creation of the content to be presented during the weekly program.
  • Average work hours: 96 hours x 3 months- 8 hours a week
  • Unit cost: 300 USD $

Community outreach

  • Tasks: person or persons responsible for the design and execution of promotion strategies in digital and physical media, marketing through social platforms like Instagram and Youtube.
  • Unit cost: 200 USD $

Promotional material

  • Task: Design and printing of the POP material of the program.
  • Unit cost: 150 USD $

Production expenses

  • Task: Expenses associated with the production of the program (transportation, lunches, payment of services)
  • Unit cost: 300 USD $

Total amount

  • 950 USD $



Community members are encouraged to endorse your project request here!