Grants:Project/Rapid/Empat Tilda/Menyunting Wikidata dan Wikisource Bersama Civitas Akademik Universitas Papua/Report

Report accepted
This report for a Rapid Grant approved in FY 2021-22 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.



Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?

Ya, saya menemukan tujuan kami. Saya dapat bertemu dengan mahasiswa, dosen, dan pegawai yang berpotensi untuk berkontribusi ke berbagai proyek wikimedia.

Yes, I get the goal. I can meet students, lecturer and education staff who have potential to contribute to the wiki project.



Please report on your original project targets. Please be sure to review and provide metrics required for Rapid Grants.

Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
number of event= 2 acara (2 Events) 2 acara (2 Events) berjalan lancar, namun jamnya seringkali berbenturan. Pada hari pertama berbenturan dengan agenda universitas, hati kedua berbenturan dengan ibadah hari minggu.

Overall, the events going smoothly. However, the clochks often clash. The first day clashed with the university’s agenda, the second day clashed with the Sunday worship of several participants.

Number of participants= 30 orang (30 people) 20 orang (20 people) sebetulnya berkat facebook adsense pendaftar bisa mencapai 34, namun saat acara berlangsung hanya ada 23 orang.

Actually, because of the facebook application, the adsense registrants can reach 34, but when the event took place there were only 23 people.

Number of of articles created or improved= 90 butir di wikidata dan 60 halaman di wikisource (90 items on wikidata and 60 pages on wikisource) 17 halaman wikisource indonesia and 36 butir wikidata (17 Pages of wikisource Indonesia and 36 items of wikidata) total ada 18 orang yang menyunting wikidata di hari pertama dan ada 17 orang yang menyunting wikisource di hari kedua (A total of 18 people who edited wikidata on the first day and 17 people who edited wikisource on the second day)
Number of repeat participant=20 17 17 orang mengikuti acara di hari pertama dan kedua (17 people attended the event on the first and second day)



Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:

  • What worked well?

jumlah pendaftar awal terlihat bagus karena kami memakai facebook ads. (the number of early registrants looked good because we used facebook ads.

  • What did not work so well?

materi tidak tersampaikan dengan baik, karena kendala sinyal dan juga pemilihan waktu.(The material was not conveyed properly, due to signal constraints and also timing)

  • What would you do differently next time?

materi akan disampaikan satu hari dengan durasi lebih lama, agar bisa menjelaskan kembali saat sinyal hilang. atau mengadakan acara secara offline. (the material will be delivered in one day with longer duration, in order to be able to explain again when the signal is lost or hold event offline.



Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.

kami mendapat dana hibah sebesar Rp. 23,102,000 ($1,632)


  1. masker=900,000
  2. multivitamin=2,500,000
  3. mug, kaos, dan totebag=5,700,000
  4. penggantian uang makan=4,100,000
  5. sabun cuci tangan=800,000
  6. facebook ads=500,000
  7. pengisian pulsa=2,150,000
  8. ongkos kirim ke raja ampat=100,000
  9. biaya rapat panitia=800,000

total pembelanjaan=Rp.17,550,000

We received a grant of Rp. 23,102,000 ($1,632)


  1. Mask =900,000
  2. Multivitamin=2,500,000
  3. Mug, T-shirt, dan totebag =5,700,000
  4. Consumption money =4,100,000
  5. Hand Soap=800,000
  6. facebook ads=500,000
  7. Pulse =2,150,000
  8. send cost to raja ampat= 100,000
  9. meeting cost= 800,000

total expenditure =Rp.17,550,000

Remaining funds


Do you have any remaining grant funds?

Rp. 5,552,000+5 souvenir

Dana ini akan digunakan untuk kegiatan selanjutnya dengan audiens masyarakat Manokwari. Rencananya akan digunakan untuk membayar facebook adsense beberapa acara tersebut. Karena untuk biaya souvenir, akomodasi, dan keperluan lainnya akan mendapat pendanaan dari wikimedia indonesia. Setiap satu bulan sekali juga kami akan menyebarkan poster proyek wikimedia dan akan disponsorkan selama 7 hari, sebagai branding proyek wikimedia dan komunitas Manokwari.

These funds will be used for further activities with the Manokwari community audience. The plan will be used to pay for facebook adsense some of these events. Because for the cost of souvenirs, accommodation, and other purposes will receive funding from Wikimedia Indonesia. Once a month we will also distribute posters for the wikimedia project and will be sponsored for 7 days, as a branding for the wikimedia project and the Manokwari community.

Remaining funds have been used or will be used for other approved mission-aligned activities. This use has been requested in writing and approved by WMF.

Anything else


Anything else you want to share about your project? karena acara ini komunitas kami dapat membuat laporan dengan bahasa inggris karena salah satu anggota yang semakin banyak memiliki kemahiran dalam berbahasa inggris.

by reason of this event our community can make reports in English, because one of the members is increasingly proficient in English