Grants:Project/Rapid/Ennegreciendo Wikipedia and Noircir Wikipédia/Report

Report accepted
This report for a Rapid Grant approved in FY 2019-20 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.



To achieve our goal of reducing the racial gap in Spanish and French wikipedias, we organized 8 online wikipedia and wikidata editathons in both languages, with a total of 84 participants coming from 13 countries. The objective was to work on women of colors elements and entries and we provided a working list, but it was not always followed by the participants for their contributions.

Regarding the goal of uploading images to commons, the participants contributed to Commons on the thematic of the Noircir and Ennegreciendo Wikipedia.

The third goal was to create quantifiable data about the thematic of the Blackening Wikipedia projet, graphics and visual information related to the racial gap in Spanish and French wikipedias. In this regard, we created queries in SPARQL with outputs in the format of tables and geographic maps available in our wikidata project (see below).



Please report on your original project targets.

Original targets and actual outcome
Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
Create 25 new elements of women of color in Wikidata
  • 1 new wikidata project
  • 21 new elements
  • 6 new properties
  • 7 SPARQL queries
The wikidata trainings took us further than only creating new articles. Here is the link to the wikidata project created with the other outputs too: wikidata:Wikidata:WikiProject Ennegreciendo Noircir Wikimedia
Create 10 new articles of women of color in Wikipedia
  • 6 new articles in es.wikipedia
  • 6 articles improved in es.wikipedia
  • 9 new articles in fr.wikipedia
  • 20 articles improved in fr.wikipedia
Have 10 new editors on wikimedian projects 15 The call/invitation system that we used worked well to bring new contributors on the wikimedian projects. It was also nice to see new contributors coming back on more than one online scheduled event. Nevertheless, we see that it is hard to see them contributing on other dates than the date of the event.
Have 10 participants of the project participating in the online proposals 84 participants The campaigns launched through social networks for online events allowed us to attract people from more than 10 countries, increasing our radius of activity and wikipedia community.
Number of photos uploaded to Wikimedia Commons (if applicable): 25 100
Number of photos used on Wikimedia projects (if applicable): 10 the uploaded pictures are used in 16 articles, in 27 different languages.
Number of languages: 4 (Spanish, French, Portuguese, English) Editions in four languages in the Wikipedias and Wikidata descriptions we had participants connecting from
  1. Argentina
  2. Benin
  3. Brazil
  4. Colombia
  5. France
  6. Guinea
  7. Haïti
  8. Honduras
  9. Spain
  10. Switzerland
  11. Tchad
  12. the Réunion island
  13. United States of America
graphic design for social media, newsletter and power points
as an example of the outcomes, you can see here the Facebook banner already updated in our fb page, and a slide of the power point with the newly designed template.
reaching more contributors interested in the project via social media advertisement 108 new followers/likes on the facebook page from June 13 to July 15, 3 participants came to the edit-a-thons via the communication made on social media, and we reached more than 69'000 people with the advertisement campaigns.  


Dashboards and ISA tool

We gathered the dashboards of the 8 events on one simple campaign called "Rapid grant 1 Ennegreciendo Wikipedia".

ISA tool was used to add structured data to the images uploaded into commons of women of colors



Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:

What worked well?


Bringing participants from worldwide into a same online event went very well. As for the wikidata trainings, the learning input for participants proved to be larger than just "learning how to create new elements".

In the Spanish wikidata training, it was shared among other things:

  • Commons:
    Wikidata:wd:List of properties
  • Las tripletas en Wikidata:
    • sujeto (item) - predicado (propiedad) - objeto (valor)
    • Aída Bueno Sarduy - País de nacionalidad - Cuba
    • Q95991947 - P27 - Q241
  • Crotos: buscador de obras artísticas y otras imágenes en Wikimedia.
  • Reasonator: extrae información de wikidata, los visualiza y los enlaza. Trata de usar razonamiento para hacer oraciones. A veces con sentido, a veces con no tanto sentido, porque usa la información estructurada.
  • Scholia
  • VizQuery: permite visualizar las búsquedas de Query
  • Wikidata Query Service: hay consultas que otres contribuidores han hecho y se pueden usar. Ejemplo: buscar las calles en Argentina que llevan nombres de mujeres. no quiere decir que solo 5 calles en Argentina lleven nombre de mujeres, quiere decir que en wikidata hay 5 entradas en wikidata que están asociadas con las entradas de las mujeres, por eso es muy importante enlazar los datos. Si no enlazamos la entrada del nombre de una calle con el hecho de que sea de una mujer, no saldrá en esta Query.
  • En preferencias:
    • accesorios / DuplicateReferences: añade un enlace para copiar referencias y añadirlas a otras declaraciones
    • currentDate: Automatically adds the date of today while using the property
    • Reasonator: añade un enlace a Reasonator en cada elemento
  • para ayudarnos a llenar un elemento wikidata, podemos pensar cómo haríamos/pensaríamos si tuvieramos que hacer la búsqueda en la que este elemento deba de salir como resultado.
  • propiedad: "situado en la entidad territorial administrativa"
  • para guardar archivos de referencias que desaparecen o pueden desaparecer después de haberlos utilizados en nuestros artículos.
  • otro website para guardar archivos de referencias que desparecen o pueden desaparecer después de haberlas utilizados en nuestros artículos.

Link with the notetaking

Here is the resume for the four wikidata trainings in French

Link with the notetaking

Graphic design:

The designer made the commissioned work and AfricanadeCuba and Galahmm are working on filling the newsletter + the powerpoint. A facebook banner is already visible for the public, here:

What did not work so well?


The new wikimedian contributors did not come to contribute on dates outside the online events scheduled.

Due to the fact that the events were online, it was harder and took longer to explain to contributors where to click and how to proceed for an action in the wikis. Also, it consumed more energy for the facilitators dealing with the wikimedia platform/project plus the zoom call and the zoom chat.

What would you do differently next time?


As there was a high expectation with our Noircir Wikidata events, we increased the number of workshops. But, looking back we realize it was too much new information in a short time. For the next time, we will try to reduce the content shared on each date.



Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.

  • Meals: 145,62.- chf
  • Facebook Boost: 120.18.-chf

SUBTOTAL = 265,80.-chf

Expenses Galahmm
  • Meals: 112,15.-chf
  • Child care: 200.-chf
  • Facebook boost: 60.-chf
  • Paypal to the designer: 1'199.72.-chf
  • Hootsuite: 47.63.-chf

SUBTOTAL = 1'619.50.-chf

TOTAL EXPENSES: 1'885.30 -chf

Remaining funds


Do you have any remaining grant funds?

Remaining funds have been used or will be used for other approved mission-aligned activities. This use has been requested in writing and approved by WMF.

Remaining Funds: 4.70 -chf. We would like to use this remaining fund for the next rapid grant we will request.

Anything else


Anything else you want to share about your project?

Even if the online sessions have their limitations, we have decided to maintain them and bring them along with the face-to-face sessions in order to continue expanding the scope of action of the project and increasing the Wikipedia community.