
Project Goal
editBriefly explain what are you trying to accomplish with this project, or what do you expect will change as a result of this grant. Example goals include, "recruit new editors", "add high quality content", or "train existing editors on a specific skill".
- Connect to high quality content organizations, their producers, publishers and promoters, to start using open licences, tools and FLOSS based web services and foster interactive participation of their existing audience or new users.
Project Plan
editTell us how you'll carry out your project. What will you and other organizers spend your time doing?
- Outreach work to cultural professionals in different libraries and museums. Meeting them for an informative consultation. Promoting and producing online events to present the benefits of working with Wikimedia ecosystem, open content, software and engaging with the public around knowledge and media sharing. We will compile, translate, adapt and localize GLAM relevant metainfo and publish it digitally online. We will also do at least one practical online workshop.
How will you let others in your community know about your project (please provide links to where relevant communities have been notified of your proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions)? Why are you targeting a specific audience?
- Targeting professional cultural audience. We will reach out via direct contacts and meeting in person, as well as to contacts in the GLAM and higher learning institutions with whom the Creative Commons affiliate in Croatia has previously established rapport. We will also announce and report about the project in various media outlets.
What will you have done at the end of your project? How will you follow-up with people that are involved with your project?
- We will have a core group of informed and (somewhat) experienced individuals and organizations willing to work with Wikimedia and form GLAM Croatia. Ideally this could lead to raising understanding and interest for Wikimedia in GLAM institutions just ahead of its 20th birthday in the country where Croatian Wikipedia has problematic history and present reputation.
Are you running any in-person events or activities? If so, you will need to complete the steps outlined on the Risk Assessment protocol related to COVID-19. When you have completed these steps, please provide a link to your completed copy of the risk assessment tool below:
- Events will be mostly online and when offline, they will be with up to 10 people with distance and following the local regulations.
editHow will you know if the project is successful and you've met your goals? Please include the following targets and feel free to add more specific to your project:
- Number of total participants: expected 30, possible 60
- Number of organizations involved in project: expected 10, possible 20
- Number of articles created or improved (if applicable): not applicable, but documentation will be published on Meta
- Number of photos uploaded to Wikimedia Commons (if applicable): not applicable, but documentation videos and photos will be on Commons
editWhat resources do you have? Include information on who is the organizing the project, what they will do, and if you will receive support from anywhere else (in-kind donations or additional funding).
- Multimedia Institute in Zagreb is fiscal sponsor for GLAM Croatia, but also will participate in the project production and has space and production equipment for organizing and recording physical events. It has a solid track record from previous work in localizing Creative Commons as well as hosting iSummit for CreativeCommons in 2007 in Dubrovnik and can help scale up GLAM Croatia work in 2021 more significantly.
editWhat resources do you need? For your funding request, list bullet points for each expense:
- TOTAL = 2000 USD (approximation based on previous work with cultural institutions, education and productions)
- 300 USD - fee for producing promotional material for outreach work to GLAM professionals in Croatia:
- Printable Croatian text and graphic publication in the form of leaflet that covers all key concepts of Wikimedia ecosystem relevant for GLAMs and their potential interaction with others
- Web page and social media for promotion and coordination of activities
- 200 USD - travel and accommodation costs for meetings
- to at least 3 different cities in Croatia
- 400 USD - preparation and production of informative online materials and event for librarians
- research, editing and design of presentation slides and translating existing materials
- 400 USD - preparation and production of informative online materials and event for museum staff
- research, editing and design of presentation slides and translating existing materials
- 400 USD - post-production, publishing and dissemination of recorded video
- after the live streamed sessions videos will be edited, corrected, amended and uploaded
- 300 USD - fee for organization of workshop material with #WikiLovesLibraries
- producing a poster, digital visuals (promo animation) and cheat sheet in Croatian
- 300 USD - fee for producing promotional material for outreach work to GLAM professionals in Croatia:
edit- Volunteer As Creative Commons Croatia affiliate, we will assist in the outreach and in workshop activities. CreativeCommons HR (talk) 19:31, 16 September 2020 (UTC)
- Volunteer Organising communities through libraries. Research and creation of content. Kristian Benić (talk) 20:57, 17 September 2020 (UTC)