Grants:Project/Rapid/Kaizenify/Black Climate Rights edit a thon/Report

Report accepted
This report for a Rapid Grant approved in FY 2019-20 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.



Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?

We are very happy to report that we met our goals for this project as trained over new 60 partipants and also sealed a thriving relationship with black right partnered organization.



Please report on your original project targets.

Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
3 events 3 We planned to have 3 different events, and we did but one at Ibadan and two at Lagos instead.
120 participants 61 Participants came around We had 32 participants at Ibadan event and 29 participants at Lagos event
95% number of new editors 98% number of new editors Almost all the partipants are all new editors
200 Number of of articles created or improved over 200 number of articles created or improved exactly 13 new articles were created with over 200 articles improved.

Link to the program dashboard where the metrics of the campaign can be found:

  • Eleven Eleven Twelve Foundation at Ibadan: here
  • For Cee-Hope, Lagos: here

Some of the pictures from the Wiki4BlackClimateRight event:

Eleven Eleven Twelve Foundation at Ibadan

Cee-Hope, Lagos



Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:

What worked well?

  • The partners were super excited to host us and hence created an existing and thriving relationship.
  • The larger percentage of the participants were completely new and hence showed great value and interest which has increased their participation even till now.
  • We were also able to create a mini-hub in some of the partnered organization as a learning and mentoring focus for Wikipedia contributions.
  • A Good number of articles for activists was created.
  • The support from our experienced wikimedians were valuable in organising the training.

What did not work so well?

  • COVID-19 pandemic crippled some of the plans which leads to its posponement.
  • Due to COVID-19 pandemic, we were only able to accomodate atleast 30 partipants for each event and hence couldnt match up with our goals.
  • Not all participants were able to sign in into the outreach dashboard.
  • We could only cover Lagos and Ibadan and couldnt reach Osogbo due to the timing.
  • The recent unrest in Nigeria due to the protest against police brutality that led to a 24hrs curfew across the lenght and breadth of the country also affected our plans negatively.

What would you do differently next time?

  • Always have various plans.
  • Make sure participants register a Wikipedia account before the training so that will not slow us down.



Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.


Sl.No Item Quantity Rate (NGN) Total (NGN) Total (USD) Notes
1 Foods and drinks 120 2,500 300,000 983.606 The participants are grateful for the meals after a long day of learning
2 Internet 1 85,355 85,355 279.85 The spectranet internet purchased prooved very useful and excite the partipants.
3 Customized shirts 6 3,000 18,000 59.016 The shirts for only facilitators and organizers which was very useful.
4 Local transport for facilitators traveling 2 30,000 60,000 196.72 For the travel and also within travel cost.
5 Online digital banner and media coverage 1 65,000 65,000 213.114 the online digital banner was used for awareness and cost of producing the video.
6 Face-masks 65 1,100 71,500 234.426 This was important due to the realities of things as a resukt of the pandemic.
7 Contingency - - 10,145 33.26 Calls, bank charges, logistics, paper printout etc...
- TOTAL EXPENDITURE - - 610,000 2,000

Grant funds spent


A total of 610,000 Nigerian naira (2,000 USD) was spent

Remaining funds


Do you have any remaining grant funds?

.No, as we had to make provisions for face-maask(PPE)

Anything else


Anything else you want to share about your project?

  • See our project page here: