Grants:Project/Rapid/Kolektyw Kariatyda/Edit-a-thon with Caryatid Collective/Report

Report accepted
This report for a Rapid Grant approved in FY 2019-20 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.



Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?

We are delighted with the results of our actions and the outcomes of edit-a-thons that we have been organizing throughout the year. The goals that we achieved this year surpassed our expectations, which is a source of pride and satisfaction for our collective. As it is shown in the "Outcome" section, the level of participation, the amount of written articles and the number of events total were higher than we had initially expected at the beginning of this project. This year, because of our actions, we have received unexpected outpouring or appreciation and acknowledgements: we received the nomitation for WARTO cultural award[1][2]; we were invited to the Polish Projects Exchange (Giełda Projektów) organized by the National Centre of Culture (Narodowe Centrum Kultury)[3]; Cariatyd Collective was also mentioned on the main page of the Wroclaw Univerisity's website[4]. All of those factors are a great source of pride and satisfaction for the Cariatyd Collective. They show us that our work is needed and appreciated and they make us want to continue our activities in the future.



Please report on your original project targets. Please be sure to review and provide metrics required for Rapid Grants.

Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
8 events 12 events There were 12 edit-a-thons organized during the duration of the grant, but the funds were used only for 10 events. We organized more edit-a-thons because we've been approached by many institutions and organizations with the offer to cooperate.
80 participants for all meetings 140 participants for all meetings Bigger number of participants total was a direct outcome of more events that we were able to organize this year.
10 new editors 33 new editors Our edit-a-thons were met with great interest, which resulted in more new editors who became interested in editing Wikipedia because of our events.
50 articles created or improved 106 articles created or improved We have written more than twice the amount of articles that we had initially expected. This is a result of more events organized this year, as well as more participants who got involved in our edit-a-thons.
8 repeat participants 22 repeat participants We had more than twice as many repeat participants than we assumed.



Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:

The project went very well, despite the current global situation.

Before each edit-a-thon (live or online) we had prepared lists of encyclopedic women (connected to the topic of respective edit-a-thon) with links, suggestions of sources and even scans of appropriate literature, which allowed all participants (even newbies) to get involved right away.

The pandemic, suprisingly, has helped us in a way - the transfer of all activities to the Internet meant we were not limited by the location of participants during edit-a-thons. We can say that Cariatyd Collective is 'born digital' as our actions take place mainly online, so this transition went quite smoothly.

Before the edit-a-thons were held online, we had the opportunity to ogranize several edit-a-thons with Wrocław-based cultural institutions. Those experiences thought us that organizing edit-a-thons in places such as cafes or bookshops may be very enjoyable, but it is not the most comfortable. Writing articles with a computer on your lap can be tiring and sometimes the ambiance of those spaces does not encourage concentration and is not very work-friendly.

Therefore, in the (post-pandemic) future we will strive to organize our events in work-friendly spaces with appropriate furniture (e.g. desks or bigger tables). We would like to return to our pre-pandemic idea of organizing once-a-month meetings in coworking space / cafe in Wrocław called Barbara, which is a comfortable and Cariatyd-friendly place. In Barbara, in addition to the proper conditions for events, we will be provided with our very own bookshelf where we will be able to keep all of our literature and helpful sources.

We have also decided to organize hybrid edit-a-thons in the future, which means that they will be conducted live and online at the same time. This will allow people from all over Poland to take part in our edit-a-thons.

Thanks to our cooperations with cultural institutions and feminist groups (e.g. Lublin-based Camera Femina Foundation, which is dedicated to women in cinema), Cariatyd Collective has become a leading partner for cultural initiatives and events in Wrocław (the city we live and/or work in).

One issue that is slightly more difficult with online edit-a-thons is providing food for the participants. To this day, we haven't found a satisfactory solution that would make this proccess quicker and more seamless. During online edit-a-thons, the participants who wanted to order delivery had to ask us for the BLIK code (a four digit code generated by the bank; it is much quicker and more efficient than traditional transfer), with wich they could pay for their order. Each use of the BLIK code had to be approved by the bank's app (there are four Cariatyd members with access to the bank account). Then all of the participants who ordered food were asked to send us a photo of the bill. Later data from individual bills was entered into an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of the finances. In the future, we would like to find a quicker solution with which we would be able to provide meals to our edit-a-thon participants.



Grant funds spent


Out of the total amount of 7000 PLN we spent 6960.55 PLN. Our expenses are divided into individual categories:

  • We planned on spending 4000 PLN on meals/treats for the participants. Ultimately we spent 3994,1 PLN, which means that there is 5.9 PLN left in this category.
  • We planned on spending 1000 PLN on literature. We spent 1047 PLN, which means that we exceeded our budget by 47 PLN. To balance it out, we didn't spend anything in the "roll-up printout" category, where 50 PLN was reserved.
  • We planned on spending 300 PLN in the "souvenirs for participants" category. We spent 299,98 PLN, which is almost exactly the budget. The money was spent on our Cariatyd-themed stickers and posters that were (and will be) given out to the participants of our edit-a-thons.
  • We planned on spending 100 PLN in the "printing training materials" category. We spent 99,20 PLN, which is almost exactly the budget. The money was spent on educational posters.
  • We planned on spending 1300 PLN on printing leaflets and posters. We spent 1298,27 PLN, which is almost exactly the budget. The money was spent on pins with Cariatyd Collective logo and group business cards with the name of the Wikiproject.
  • In the "roll-up stand" category we had 250 PLN reserved. The roll-up we bought cost 222 PLN, which means that we have 28 PLN to spend in this category.

Additional funds for account maintenance

  • We received an additional 180 PLN as an account maintenance cost. As of 22 December 2020 the bank charged 128 PLN, so currently there is 52 PLN left.

Remaining funds


Do you have any remaining grant funds?

Remaining funds have been used or will be used for other approved mission-aligned activities. This use has been requested in writing and approved by WMF.

There is 91,45 PLN left in our bank account, which is approximately 24 USD. The monthly bank account maintenance fee is 15 PLN. If one of us were to have an additional card, the cost would increase by additional 7 PLN per month (22 PLN total) - this year's experience shows us that an additional card will be needed for future activities. We also do not know the cost of transfering this sum (91,45 PLN) to the USA, perhaps it is similar to the amount itself.

We would like to ask the Wikimedia Foundation to allow us to leave these remaining funds in our account. This will allow us to pay the monthly bank account maintenance fee and keep the account until we apply for another grant for our Wiki-activities.

Anything else


Anything else you want to share about your project?

Articles written in 2020 can be seen in a category (Kategoria:Kolektyw Kariatyda artykuły 2020), which is a category that was created for the purpose of the grant. In the gallery of our project (Wikiprojekt:GLAM/Kolektyw Kariatyda/Galeria) you can see colourful documentation of our meetings - both live and online. Many participants of our edit-a-thons have contacted the artists they were writing articles about, and because of that many new works of contemporary art were uploaded to Wikimedia Commons.

We are extremely proud of our project and all that we were able to achieve in 2020. This year, in terms of our progress, has been a dream come true. We would like to thank the Wikimedia Foundation for the financial support of our edit-a-thons. It enabled us to grow beyond our wildest expectations and we are very grateful for that.

