Grants:Project/Rapid/Krishna Chaitanya Velaga/MOC 2017 Edit-a-thon/Report

Report accepted
This report for a Rapid Grant approved in FY 2016-17 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.



This edit-a-thon has basically been conducted to strengthen bonds with the Toastmasters community, students of BVRIT, College of Engineering for Women, Hyderbad, and also spread essence of Wikimedia movement to them. This event has been conducted in two phases, Phase 1 titled as "MOC 2017 Edit-a-thon" and Phase 2 as "BVRIT 2017 Edit-a-thon", on 29 July 2017 and 19 August 2017 respectively. The session(s) were mentored by me (Krishna Chaitanya Velaga), Yohann Thomas and Pavan Santosh.



Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?

Yes, the project did meet its goals, detailed comparison between the target and achieved outcomes is explained in the following sections. Though initially it didn't go well, it went perfect towards the end.



Please report on your original project targets.

  • Source(s):
Comparison graph between target and achieved outcomes of MOC and BVRIT Edit-a-thon 2017
Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
1 Event 2 Events Though initially we planned to do only one event, at the end of the event, the participants were left with many doubts. As we conducted a survey, most of the editors wanted to have another session. So we did another event within the budget. Doing a follow-up session helped us a lot in making this project successful.
100 editors 120 editors During event one we were only able to train 53 editors, and during the second session with the help of participants from first session I was able to train 63 then.
50 articles 68 articles Our step to make them learn to how upload images and use them of Wikimedia sites, made the participants make more edits enthusiastically.
500 edits 733 edits On an average if we consider 10 edits per articles, for 50 articles, the average edit count is to 500 edits, but we've achieved around 733 edits.
0 images 41 images Initially we've not at all planned to do a photo-uploading the session. But we made them learn how to upload photographs as the participants are interested in adding images to the articles. Without any prior intimation, we were able to make them upload around 40 images.



Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:

  • What worked well?
First event
  • The introductory session on Wikimedia movement went so well that the participants got fascinated to get know about the other projects of the Wikimedia movement, apart Wikipedia. They were also fascinated to know that apart from English, language Wikipedias also exist.
  • The session on "Uploading images to Commons" and how to use them on Wikimedia projects made the participants enthusiastic. At the end, we created a Google form to collect the participants' ideas to improve the movement. These ideas are shared in the later sections. I prefer this session must be included in each and every edit-a-thon.
Second event
  • The follow-up was good, the doing a second event helped the participants to clear the doubts they had, and also made them learn about more editing tools and ways.
  • During both the events, the Outreach Dashboard helped us a lot in tracking the metrics and data.
  • Both the events created a strong bond between the Wikimedia and Toastmasters community. They are looking forward for such kind collaborations in the coming future.
  • This is edit-a-thon incubated the idea of forming a user group in that college. Though this may take some time, the college authorities and the students are very much interested in becoming a movement affiliate.
  • What did not work so well?
First event
  • Though initially we faced problems with the six account limit, we solved the problems using the mobile phones of the participants.
Second event
  • This time we've asked new editors to create their accounts at the time of registration itself.
  • I suggest that this process of lifting IP ban must be more simplified than the present process. Some feature to the lift ban ought to be added to the Outreach Dashboard.
  • What would you do differently next time?
  • This time the presentation that has been employed is a self-made one, from my own Wiki experience. Next time this will be enhanced using the Learning patterns and the help pages on Outreach dashboard, which would more interactive and interesting.



Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.

S.No Type Details Amount (INR)
Total grant received ₹ 128,487.00
1 Logistics Stationary, swag etc. ₹ 2,980.00
2 Travel & Accommodation For organizer(s), resource person(s) and some outstation participants ₹ 12,695.76
3 Food & Bevarages For organizer(s), resource person(s) and participants ₹ 4,084.00
4 Prizes Amazon Gift Vouchers to encourage participants with top contributions ₹ 1,500.00
5 Fee Venue and equipment support fee paid to MOC 2017 Team as mentioned in the grant application ₹ 103,890.00
6 Charges Customs duty for swag shipment from WMF and other bank charges ₹ 1,653.00
7 Miscellaneous Other unaccounted expenses ₹ 1,000.00
Total spent ₹ 127,802.76

Remaining funds

The funds remaining from this grant in the amount of 684.24 INR were deducted from another grant payment for Grants:Project/Rapid/Krishna Chaitanya Velaga/WLM India 2017 Vijayawada Photo-walk.

Do you have any remaining grant funds?

  • Remaining funds = Total grant received - Total spent = ₹ (128,487.00 - 127,802.76) = ₹ 684.24 ~ $ 10.6755

Anything else


Anything else you want to share about your project?

Opinions collected from some of the participants
  • How to edit an article in Wikipedia and also all the rules, styles of writing to edit in Wikipedia. I came to know about how big the Wikipedia is and about its Wiki projects.
    User:Vyshnavi Ravulapalli
  • That many people are striving for a revolution in knowledge and editting content is not just based on one's opinion and there are lots of steps taken to provide authentic information. I believe you people can actually inspire many young people from India to develop the attitude for sharing knowledge globally if you can make the workshop more interactive.
  • There is a lot of things to learn and how to edit Wikipedia. So it would be better conducting workshop for two to three days, rather conducting for a day.
  • By making this event in every college. You'll be able to make many youngsters to share their news and knowledge.
  • By having more number of people to help out the beginners.The people who have presented were good.
    User:Udata SuhaYamini