Grants:Project/Rapid/MW-SG/Legal fees for MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group incorporation as a non-profit/Report

Report accepted
This report for a Rapid Grant approved in FY 2018-19 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.



The MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group are now incorporated and recognized as a non-profit, 501(c)(6) by the IRS. The process took longer than expected, however we are happy with the results and very grateful to the WMF for providing the grant.


Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
Determine which type of non-profit is best for the MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group (MWStake) MWStake decided on 501(c)(6) After investigation, MWStake decided on becoming a 501(c)(6)
Minimize lawyer costs by doing as much work ourselves We largely developed the MWStake Bylaws on our own Many thanks to Frank Taylor who helped us create our own Bylaws saving us a much larger lawyer bill
Incorporate the MWStake in the USA MWStake has been incorporated The State of Pennsylvania has recognized MWStake as an incorporated entity in addition to the IRS recognition.
Approval from the IRS for non-profit status The IRS now recognizes MWStake as a non-profit We are now able to accept grants, membership dues, and other activities based on our non-profit status


  1. What worked well?
    • Developing our own Bylaws allowed us to complete the project using much less money than expected ($2,410 actual vs. $3,500 expected).
    • Having our own members involved early gave us much more in-depth insight into some choices (non-profit type, entity structure, bylaw creation, etc.) which allowed us to make better decisions
  2. What did not work so well?
    • Our original timeline was way to aggressive given all of our prior commitments and the general pace of incorporate/lawyers
  3. What would you do differently next time?
    • More realistic schedule



Grant funds spent


As detailed on the MWStake website, the following was spent:

Cost Description Notes
$125 File Articles of Incorporation Part of Invoice #1 (total = $380)
$85 Publish Legal advertisement (newspaper)
$85 Publish Legal advertisement (legal journal)
$85 Corporate minutes book
$600 Non-profit filing fee Check sent to Smoker Gard made out to US Treasury
$1,430 Invoice #2 Final invoice
$2,410 Total

Remaining funds


We have spent all the grant funds ($2,000), the difference in what we owe ($2,410) will be raised by seed money from board members.

Anything else


We would like to thank the WMF for the grant and are looking forward to benefiting the 3rd party MediaWiki community through conferences, strategic development work (bug fixes, feature enhancements, documentation, etc.), and promotion of MediaWiki.