Grants:Project/Rapid/Martin Hipangwa/NAMIBIA 2022 Wikimedia Projects Awareness and Edit-a-thon/Report

Report accepted
This report for a Rapid Grant approved in FY 2021-22 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.



Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?

We had 36 participants including the organisers. This was more than what we expected the turn oiut to be. We had the Project launch, a training for full I am so excited that this first project went well as expected. The aim of this project was to create awareness of the Wikimedia Movement to Namibian Library and Information Science Professionals including University students, train them on how to contribute to Wikimedia projects especially Wikipedia and wiki commons.



Please report on your original project targets. Please be sure to review and provide metrics required for Rapid Grants. Project Metrics

Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
3 events 30 participants Including six organizers, 36 attendees
36 participants 36 participants Included six organizers
30 New editors 27 New editors
30 articles created 14 articles created Since it was the first workshop, most of the articles were deleted before they were published. Thus more emphasis was put to improving articles [1].
30 articles improved 168 articles improved with 687 edits. See our overall stats on our dashboard Since it was the first workshop, most of the participant improved articles rather than creating.



Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:

Since this was the first time, it was hard to strike the balance between quantity and quality of edits. One on one consultations helped us to reach to many of our participants with personalize editing assistance. The challenges we faced was the skyrocketing of prices in the country such as transport and data prices due to economic inflation. But we managed to work around our budget so that we can cater for most of the things we planned for because we had a surplus from the contingency funds. Collaboration and partnership between Goethe Institut Namibia an Geoinformation Division from Ministry of Mines and Energy really worked well for us. They provide support during all the editathons and the training workshop. It was hard at first for the participants when some of their edits were reverted back and they were discouraged. But through different Wiki Hours that we had, most of them felt supported and they soldier on to participate. Using social media such as WhatsApp and Twitter helped us to share our content widely and most people were keen to ask on what we does.

In the next events we'd also like to leave space during the editathon for people to share their work by giving a quick overview of the people or topics that they're editing about! Many experienced Wikipedians continue to give their support especially when it comes to new editors joining us. We are wondering now how to make this is a regular event. In addition, we have set a foundation for creating a community user group but there is more to do, we are hopeful for the future!



Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on. {{PEG/Proposals/Reports/Final/Table/1/Row

Category Item Quantity Rate (USD) Total (USD) Summary'
Venue Hiring 3 $100 $300 These funds catered for the venue throughtout the project.
Social Media Outreach(Marketing and Promotion) 1 $110 $110 Social media platforms was be used to market the event and to attract the prospective participants as well as promoting the training to the wider public through platforms such as Tweeter, WhatsApp, Facebook.
Internet Cost 40 $10 $400 Data to keep the participants connected to the internet through the training.
Transport Costs 40 $ 5 (3) $ 600 Funds used for participants and organising team transport fees.
Breakfast and Lunch 40 $ 10 (3) $ 1200 Funds used to cater for participants an the organisers breakfast and lunch.
T shirts 40 $10 $ 400 Funds were used for t-shirts printing
Training stationeries 40 $ 10 $ 400 Flip charts

Marker pens Note pads and pen for the participant that were used during the project.

Covid 19 Protective gears 40 $ 2(3) $ 240 This funds were used to buy masks and sanitisers for participant for the duration of the project.
Certificates 36 $ 10 $ 360 Use in printing certificates and participant awards.
Contingency plan amount 0 $ 00 $ 00 Contigency funds
Total spent: USD 4,010

Remaining funds


Do you have any remaining grant funds?

We do not have any funds remaining.

Anything else


Anything else you want to share about your project?