Grants:Project/Rapid/Nellydieli/Edit-a-thon at Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt/Report

Report accepted
This report for a Rapid Grant approved in FY 2021-22 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.



Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went? Yes, I did achieve my goals. Assisted by the experienced Wikimedians in my team, we were able to meet the goals of the event. I had 28 Editors registered on the course outreach dashboard and out of these are 20 new Editors. I am happy with the outcome, yes.



Please report on your original project targets. Please be sure to review and provide metrics required for Rapid Grants.

Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
6 events 6 events There were 3 days of physical meetup at the Ignatius Ajuru University of Education e-library from 20th - 22nd April 2022, and 3 office hours that were purely virtual event held weekly afterwards. The office hour were organized to answer questions fielded by the participants on issues they needed clarified.
28 participants 20 recruits We actually targeted 30 participants with 15 new editors. However, it turned out that this event held at the time the university was writing semester exams and many of the library staff were busy invigilating the exams. Some of them in order not to miss out on the edit-a-thon had to shuttle between exam hall and the library. Note that the event missed the initial start date, which was 4th April. When the grant did not arrive on time we applied for a new date and got approval for this, hence the event date clashed with school's examination timetable. However, we recruited 20 new editors as against our target of 15 new editors, hence we believe it could have been more if the examination was not on the way.



Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:

  • What worked well?
  • We had a good facility - the e-library of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education.
  • The library management also provided a projector (besides the computers).
  • We had done good publicity and created awareness prior to start of the programme via the Nigerian Library Association (Rivers State chapter) WhatsApp group, Facebook, LinkedIn pages, Twitter handle, Quora page, IFU news group, AfLIA Facebook page, etc. (which accounted for over one million article views by 19th May, 2022).
  • The participants were actually looking forward to the training - special thanks to the University Librarian (Professor Boma Beatrice Obi) for her assistance in encouraging the training and making it more like a departmental training.
  • What did not work so well?
  • We did not have good representation from the Nigerian Library Association (Rivers State chapter) as planned due to change of dates of the the event. This is because the NLA had already scheduled a different programme for the new dates before the change of dates occurred. Then, the NLA could not change the dates of their already advertised programme. However the publicity had already gone out in their various platforms, hence we still enjoyed the goodwill.
  • In the same vein, the change of dates affected some of the staff because the new dates fell on the time when semester exams was just beginning. This was distracting to the participants. Though the concerned staff members managed to shuffle between the two functions, we believe they would have had better concentration.
  • Electricity supply was quite epileptic and this caused disruptions in some cases - switching from the national power grid to the university's power supply, and vice versa.
  • What would you do differently next time?
  • I would choose a date that is not so close to approval date from Rapid Grant. This is to ensure that we would receive funds on time and there would not be need for change of dates that could affect any of the parties (organizations) involved and thereby lead to changes in the original plans.
  • For subsequent events, I would love to involve students - especially Library and Information Science students. The students showed a lot of enthusiasm and would love to be engaged.
  • I would like to consider (where possible) an alternative power supply that could carry on for the duration of the event per day.



Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on. A total sum of N526,382.00 ($1266.99) was spent out of the approved sum of N529,710.00 ($1275.00).

  • Airtime/data/transport (logistics for coordination) = $100
  • Data subscription for the event: $100 x 3 = $300
  • Meals and refreshment for the participants: $135 x 3 = $405
  • Vouchers for top 5 contributors: (1st -$60, 2nd -$40, 3rd -$30, 4th -$20, 5th -$10) =$160
  • Branded T-shirts for outstanding participants (including the top 5 contributors) = $49
  • Camera/photographs: $12 x 3 = $36
  • Designing of e-flyers, posters and banners = $100
  • COVID-19 precaution (Hand sanitizers and face mask for the participants): $15 x 3 = $45
  • Miscellaneous (data during weekly office hours for some participants) = $71.99
  • Total = $1266.99

Remaining funds


Do you have any remaining grant funds?

Remaining funds have been used or will be used for other approved mission-aligned activities. This use has been requested in writing and approved by WMF.

Yes, I have remaining grant fund of N3,328.00 ($8.01).

Yes, I would like to organize a similar and also new project (in due course), which would include Library and Information Science students of same institution. I am yet to apply for this and hope to do so very soon. Until the approval is gotten, the remaining grant fund will remain untouched.

Anything else


Anything else you want to share about your project? Statistics on the outreach dashboard as at 19th May, 2022 - Articles created/improved upon = 137, total edits = 711, editors = 28, words added = 26.7K, references add = 320, articles view = 1.01M, commons uploads = 62 Address to the course outreach dashboard =

The Wikipedia article on Ignatius Ajuru University of Education had no single picture before this time. In course of this event I uploaded some of the pictures from the event to Wikimedia commons, added pictures to the University's article on Wikipedia and created a photo gallery using pictures from the event.