Grants:Project/Rapid/Open Labs Hackerspace - Wiki Loves Maps (Albania)/Report

Report accepted
This report for a Rapid Grant approved in FY 2016-17 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.



There is certainly more awareness in the importance of geo-data in Wikipedia articles related to Albania after the activities. In addition, we managed to involve also the local OpenStreetMap community to contribute in adding geoinformation in the articles of SQ Wikipedia. The number of articles that were improved were quite good, but unfortunately the learning curve for the contributors was higher that expected, which resulted in delays and changes in the action-plan of the project. Fortunately there are contributors that are willing to continue contributing in this field in Albania, which is considered a very good outcome.



Please report on your original project targets.

Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
Improve the quality of geo-information of articles in SQ Wikipedia 422 articles were improved All the improved articles are documented here. Some of them are confirmed through article in other languages and some of the due to ground work.
Improve the quality of geo-information of articles about Albania in other languages 108 articles were improved All the improved articles are documented here.
Increase skills for existing editors through the improvement of content approx. 15 contributors learned how to add geo-information data Almost all the participants in the project did not have any previous experience in adding geo-information to articles in Wikipedia and learned the importance of such information in articles. The list of the participants (not complete) is published here.
Cross-involvement of the OpenStreetMap community in Albania with the Wikipedia community. Presentation of Wiki Loves Maps project at OpenStreetmap community meeting at the local hackerspace. All the meetups of the OpenStreetMap community where there has also been presentations and edit-a-thons of Wiki Loves Maps project are presented here.



Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:

  • What worked well?

A small, but dedicated team did a lot of work and added geoinformation to articles not only in Albanian Wikipedia, but also to other languages improving articles related to Albania. In addition, even after many weeks/months from the initial project there are contributors that are moving the project forward by hosting Wiki Loves Maps workshops in other countries. One example is the participation of contributors of Wiki Loves Maps at FOSScamp in Syros, Greece. Also, the tablet was really useful for the process and also will be used in coming activities.

  • What did not work so well?

The competition did not gather many participants which was not expected to happen, but on the other hand contributors that participated were very active. Also, unfortuntally the project needed more time to get implemented than was initially scheduled.

  • What would you do differently next time?

The involvement of local authorities that could give us access to geo-information, especially for the monuments of culture. This would expose them to Wikipedia, if they are not already, and also create bridge of communication between our community and public institutions. In addition, we would also involve more wikidata entries in the process. Also, we would definitely not organize a competition since it didn't go as expected due to low participation.



Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.

Item Cost (EUR)
Food and drinks (25€ x 12 events) 294€
Space Rent - (40€ x 12 events at a discount rate) 480€
Professional Photographer (for all the events includes also photo edting when needed) 180€
SIM Cards for 4G Hotspots (3€ for three months) 43.2€
Android Tablet (needed for the gathering of the coordinated on the ground) 126€
Visual Identity & Design Materials (including logo and design for digital & print promotion) 84€
Rollup Banner 48€
Promotional Business Cards (project branded, not individual cards) 36€
Stickers 36€
Gift Cards (for 3 first places) 198€
Non expected costs (10% of the requested amount) 156€
Total 1681.2€

Remaining funds

Remaining funds have been used or will be used for other approved mission-aligned activities. This use has been requested in writing and approved by WMF.

We have 13.8€ left.

We would like (if possible) ti use the remaining funds for Wiki Loves Monuments 2017 competition.

Anything else


The majority of participants have expressed interest in continuing contributing in Wiki Loves Maps project for articles in Albanian Wikipedia that are lacking geo-information and also articles about Albanian points of interest in other languages that are lacking coordinates and other geo-information. The team has already planned a Wiki Loves Maps session at FOSScamp event in Syros, Greece, where workshops about adding geo-location and field work is already planned. The detailed outcome of these activities will be documented here.