Report accepted
This report for a Rapid Grant approved in FY 2017-18 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.



Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?

We definitely met our goals to recruit new editors and add content; about 25% of our attendees were new editors, as well as some fairly-new editors who expressed that they feel much more comfortable editing after this event. We exceeded our goal for number of articles created or improved, with over 59 articles edited and 26 created. We had fewer attendees than expected (about 20 came; some did not register through the dashboard, and others spent time doing research for future editing and so they did not register through the dashboard), but this is likely a result of the high increase in the number of Art and Feminism editathons in New York City and Brooklyn.



Please report on your original project targets.

Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
1 event 1 event
40 participants 20 participants We had a lower turnout than in previous years, likely due to the overall increase of Art + Feminism editathons in New York City / Brooklyn.
25 new editors 4 new editors We're not sure why we had fewer new editors than in previous years; this could be because there were more events overall, and also because we had so many new editors in previous years who returned this year. We had a few new editors who didn't register through the dashboard, so they aren't all counted in our dashboard stats. We would also like to note that last year we had very few experienced editors at our event and so we dedicated our outreach to inviting them; we had a huge increase in experienced editors attending.
26 articles created or improved 59 articles edited, including 26 articles created We greatly exceeded our expectations for volume of editing, likely because we had so many experienced editors in attendance and they had planned work that they were doing.



Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:

We were really pleased to have a great turnout of experienced editors this year; we only had one at our Art + Feminism editathon last year, and so we worked hard to connect with the experienced editors we know and make sure they could come. However, while this outreach was successful, our turnout shows that we should've dedicated equal outreach to new editors. In past years we've had a good turnout of new editors, but we saw that number drop drastically this year. We will need to devote more energy in the future to making sure new editors come.

We spent time planning for our editathon by pulling relevant source material for editing from the Interference Archive collection, and this strategy worked very well: all of our editors were able to find great material to use for editing wikipedia, and we worked on a really diverse range of articles.

While this was our third annual Art + Feminism editathon, and our fourth editathon at Interference Archive, it was our first editathon since moving to a new location. We had the opportunity to work through some of the kinks of setup in our new space (we have more electrical outlets -- yay! -- but a narrower space for setting up working tables), and so we also have a clearer idea for our next event of how we can best use our space to fit the most editors.



Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.

  1. Food and drink: $197.53
  2. Childcare: $0 -- we did not have any RSVPs for childcare
  3. Supplies: $16.85

Remaining funds

The funds remaining from this grant in the amount of US$85.62 were deducted from another grant payment for Grants:Project/Rapid/Interference Archive 2018 wikipedia programming.

Do you have any remaining grant funds?

We have $85.62 remaining, because we did not have any RSVPs for childcare and did not spend money on childcare. We would like to spend these on a future editathon: we are currently working on plans for a series of 2018 editathons and train-the-trainer events related to indigenous peoples' justice, urbanism, and radical media, and we expect to submit a grant application about these in the next 30 days.

Anything else


We've posted a short summary of what we accomplished on our blog: