Grants:Project/Rapid/Steve Kally/Photowalk in Nok, Zangon Kataf, Kafanchan, Kagoro and Godogodo/Report

Report accepted
This report for a Rapid Grant approved in FY 2021-22 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.



Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?

We are extremely happy with the project. We were able to conduct the five (5) photowalks. We went to Nok on the first day, Zagon-Kataf on the second day, Kafanchan and environs on the third day, Godogodo on the fourth day, Kagoro hills on the fifth day, and Kagoro environs on the sixth day, all as planned. All the participants were able to attend all five walks in the three weekends. We took time to blend knowledge between new and old editors especially on Wiki commons, this has improved the new editors. The experience was massive, towards the completion we didn't want it to end, the new participants are already asking us to do more of these walks because of the abundant culture and and resources that lies in the Kaduna state were this walk was undertaken.

This project has indeed increased so much content on Wikimedia Commons, altogether the experience was super exciting.



Please report on your original project targets.

Project metrics

Project metrics Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
5 participants per photowalk 5 participants per photowalk All participants were able to make it for the whole of the three weekends (6 days) walk.
1500 photos 1000 photos The target pictures have not yet been achieved because editors are still compressing (but maintaining Wiki commons quality), this is because most of the cameras captured PNG formats.
40% usage of collected images 2% have been used. { The Tyap Wikimedians will be using more than 40% of this images for it's Wiktionary event page, reasons why it has not been done is because the project page was only fixed lately due to multiple errors encountered in trying to edit on the page properly by editors. Arrangements have been made to resume edits on Wiktionary and to use these images on Thursday 28th July, 2022.



What worked well? What didn't work so well? What would you do differently next time?

The Photowalk Team were indeed fantastic because of the cooperation given, using the t-shirts provided worked so well for us because it identified us as researchers, we moved as a team, lodged in same location and edited as a team. This really worked well for us.

Notwithstanding, these areas visited have been security challenged in the past two years and we were interrogated in some instances thoroughly before gaining access to locations. In a certain instance, security personnel threatened to seize our cameras, so next time if locations around this axis will be chosen, we will inform Local governing authorities to grant us security pass and not only relying on traditional guides that we used.

The pre-planning we did to map out the itinerary for each walk, and gather resources was really helpful.

Though we had few nights of sleeps because our editathon ran into our nights, the interaction was fun, we created a Telegram group (Photowalk in SK Team) to always keep up during the week before we met at weekends.



Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on. Please email receipts to rapidgrants AT wikimedia DOT org

  • Transportation
  1. Hiring of car (NGN16000*6 days) = NGN96,000
  2. Hiring of driver (NGN5000*6 days) = NGN30,000
  3. Fueling of the car (NGN20000*6 days) = NGN120,000

Sub total= NGN246,000

  • Food and drinks = NGN125,000
  • Accomodations = NGN210,000
  • Branded T-shirts
  1. Purchase of Shirts = NGN12,500
  2. Branding = NGN5,000

Sub total = NGN17,500

  • Branded caps = NGN7,500
  • Pocket hand sanitizer= NGN1,000
  • Data allowance for editors (NGN10000*5) =NGN50,000
  • Stipends for local guides
  1. Nok = NGN7,500
  2. Zagon Kataf= NGN500
  3. Kafanchan = NGN10,000
  4. Kagoro = NGN10,000
  5. Godogodo = NGN2,000

Sub total = 30,000

  • Recharge card allowance= NGN25,000
  • Camera hiring = NGN84,000
  • Contingencies= NGN27,500

Total spent =NGN823,000

If there are remaining funds, please list the amount here. Remaining funds must be returned to WMF, reallocated to similar activities or applied to another approved grant. Let us know what you'd like to do.

Remaining funds = NGN6,500

Remaining funds have been used or will be used for other approved mission-aligned activities. This use has been requested in writing and approved by WMF.

We'd like to retain the unspent funds while we apply for another Rapid grant.

Anything else


We lost our driver to a fatal accident after the first weekend Walk, those moments were terrible because of how fun we became, going forward we had to hire another driver.

The distances covered are so much, that's the reason we hired a driver as it will be difficult for photographers to drive distances between 200kms to 400kms per day and do the job comfortably, all thanks, expenses fell within the budget.

One of the photographer's camera was damaged during the first Photowalk in Nok caves, going forward we hired a third camera just to complete the job.