Grants:Project/Rapid/WikiDZ/Wiki Loves Africa 2021 contest in Algeria/Report

Report accepted
This report for a Rapid Grant approved in FY 2020-2021 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.



Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?

We've achieved all of our objectives

  1. Add or improve content (Photo, Video) : Done
  2. Recruit new editors : Done
  3. Increase skills for existing editors : Done in part (Not satisfied)



Please report on your original project targets. Please be sure to review and provide metrics required for Rapid Grants.

see the link of stats : Wiki Loves Competitions in Algeria

Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
Number of participants = +50 Uploaders = 24 , Uploaders registered after competition start 16 (67%)
Number of photos uploaded to Wikimedia Commons = +300 Uploads = 122 See Images_from_Wiki_Loves_Africa_2021_in_Algeria
Number of photos used on Wikimedia projects = +100 Images used in the wikis 20 (16%) see compleet stats with : [1]

with this tools we can see the impact of only 20 photos used in 51 pages : (16% of all files) and total views 311,329 in one year



Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:

  • What worked well?
    • Social media campaign - the banner helped us a lot - jury tools photo selection
  • What did not work so well?
    • This year, the impact of the pandemic was much greater and felt than the first, we started the contest exactly with the second wave, after a year of containment - all the events in person could not be organized, even the theme of the contest was extremely difficult to execute and promote among participants especially in this kind of photos that is health.
    • The receipt of funds was too difficult this year and they were received only in the fall of 2021, which means that it was difficult to launch the competition and finish it, this delay disrupts the planned program and delays us especially in the distribution of gifts to the winners etc. The fact of borrowing while waiting for the receipt of funds especially in a period of crisis economic crisis and during the pandemic complicates the whole contest and extends it over the whole year, which is harmful for the participants and the organizers. Translated with (free version)
  • What would you do differently next time?
    • Despite the difficulty of the organization again this year
    • we continue the competition because it is a challenge
    • we will not apply for a grant.
    • we will find local sponsors



Grant funds spent

edit on 15/12/2020 at 15h

rate USD DZD rate DZD to USD rate USD to CAD
131,096 0,00758 1,27548
N° Tcket Designation Qtt Val Receipt DZD Total DZD Total USD
1 Social Media Ads (only FB ads) (payed in usd) DZD4 901,68 $37,39
2 Materials for Contest 1 6 000,00 DZD6 000,00 $45,48
3 T-shirts for the jury and 3 winners 1 18 000,00 DZD18 000,00 $136,44
4 Supplies paper to print flyers, cards 1 4 000,00 DZD4 000,00 $30,32
5 Communications (Internet fees ) (payed in usd) 2 2 000,00 DZD4 000,00 $30,32
5 Communications (Internet fees) DZ DZD6 472,21 $49,37
6 ZOOM invoice (payed in usd) DZD19 533,30 $149,00
7 For 10 best photos and for Jurys A4 1 4 000,00 DZD4 000,00 $30,32
80 Gifts for jurys 1 1 3 330,00 DZD3 330,00 $25,24
81 Gifts for jurys 2 1 3 330,00 DZD3 330,00 $25,24
82 Gifts for jurys 3 1 3 330,00 DZD3 330,00 $25,24
83 Gifts for jurys 4 1 3 300,00 DZD3 300,00 $25,01
9 Awards Gifts 1 1 24 000,00 DZD24 000,00 $181,92
10 Awards Gifts 2 1 14 200,00 DZD14 200,00 $107,64
11 Awards Gifts 3 1 9 000,00 DZD9 000,00 $68,22
120 sending gifts by mail 1 848,40 DZD848,40 $6,43
121 sending gifts by mail 1 1 272,60 DZD1 272,60 $9,65
122 transportation 3 600,00 DZD1 800,00 $13,64
Total spending DZD131 318,19 $996,88
Total Budjet DZD129 764,40 $984,86
Remain from - DZD1 553,79 - $12,02

Remaining funds


Do you have any remaining grant funds?

Remaining funds have been used or will be used for other approved mission-aligned activities. This use has been requested in writing and approved by WMF.

- $12,02

Anything else


Anything else you want to share about your project?

The adventure continues