Grants:Project/Rapid/Wikimedians of Cameroon User Group/Wiki Loves Earth 2017 in Cameroon/Report

Report accepted
This report for a Rapid Grant approved in FY 2016-17 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.



Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?

Yes, the objectives for the most part have been achieved :

  • One of the objectives was to increase the number of images under free license on the protected areas of Cameroon. We have published exactly 679 photos : Wiki Loves Earth 2017 in Cameroon
  • Other objectives were to make certain sites that did not have pictures visible; Several sites were photographed, such as: Limbe Botanical Garden, Vina Falls, Mamy Wata Falls, Mamy Wata Falls, Lobe Falls, Manengouba Lakes, Petponoun Lake, Mount Cameroon Summit...
  • In addition, the commitment and partnership with the photographers has been strengthened.
  • New contributors have been registered : Of the 17 participants, we have 10 new contributors
  • Finally, as a newly created User Group, we have strengthened communication and visibility on social networks and in the media: press article has been written.



Please report on your original project targets.

Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
20 participants 17 participants We lost nearly a month because of the delay in submitting the rapid grant and the bank transfer. This had the effect of reducing awareness and limit the number of travel to sites.
500 pictures 679 photos We had two meetings with the associations of photographers (LIPHOC : Ligue des photographes du Cameroun ; CMD : Club Multimedia de Douala), many made a commitment to travel. We gave them the list of sites by locality and supported their transport (7 photographers and one journalist covered more than 15 sites) in addition to 9 other photographers and amateurs who have contributed independently.
5 users participating 5 users participating Some participants at Wiki Loves Africa competition and the Wiki Loves Women project have contributed to organize and take pictures.
New categories More than 20 categories We have created more than 20 new categories for all published photos to illustrate the articles in Wikipedia.



Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:

  • What worked well?

The work with the jury was excellent. Two jury members were professional photographers and another plastic artist. We had three meetings (One meeting and two working sessions). In addition to the work done, we dealt with the question of accompanying photographers who are more traders than professionals. A lot of advice was provided during the awards ceremony. The award ceremony was a success with the participation of other photographers who wanted to ensure the seriousness of the competition.

  • What did not work so well?

The delay at the beginning of the project has limited sensitization in cities other than Douala. The majority of photographers do not have a knowledge of Information and Communication Technologies; We upload the photos of several participants from their accounts : This increased spending in terms of internet connection to upload the photos. We were obliged to transfer money to the tourist guides and guards to facilitate access by photographers : That has changed the budget.

  • What would you do differently next time?
    • Start competition earlier
    • In collaboration with the jury, we hope to create workshops to make photographers more efficient
    • In addition we think to organize a photographic exhibition of the best photos of the contest with a vernissage in order to attract more and more people and even the authorities
    • Finally, we want to establish contacts with the authorities of the Ministry of Tourism of Cameroon to obtain official authorizations for the access and taking of photos of the sites



Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.

Item Spent Budget in XOF Spend Budget in USD Receipt Available Comments
Awards for participants 165 000frs CFA $295,35 USD Yes All participants confirmed that they received money.
Gifts for jury members and meetings 89 000frs CFA $159,31 USD Yes, We have the discharge of two members of the jury, the other member is a German volunteer. Other expenses were for the meeting during the meetings and transportation for the three meetings
WLE photo expedition 117 000frs CFA $209,43 USD Yes, More sites covered than expected
Travels Awareness 39 500frs CFA $70,71 USD No, We traveled to Buea with five members at the Buea Wikimedia Workshop and distributed posters and flyers in the city : Transportation Douala - Buea: $35,80 USD; Transport in the city: $13,43 USD; Meal : $21,48 USD
Communication media and other 461 000frs CFA $829,80 USD Yes, We have made some modifications and added the umbrellas in the prices: We are currently in rainy season. $19,80 USD More.
Awards ceremony & snacks 83 200frs CFA $149,76 USD Yes, Printing photos ... : $55,26 USD; Video projector rental : $36,00 USD; Aperitif : $94,50 USD
Unforeseen 156 500frs CFA $281,70 USD Yes, except transportation, telephone calls and transfers for tourist guides and guardians Video projector rental for meetings with photographers : $72,00 USD; Transportation : $47,70 USD; Phone calls: $27,00 USD; Internet connection : $18,00 USD; Tourist guides and guardians (13 sites) : $117,00 USD
Total 1 111 200frs CFA $2 000,16 USD It is difficult to obtain invoices in certain situations: transport, restaurant, electronic money transfer, telephone calls

Remaining funds


Do you have any remaining grant funds? No. However, due to some unforeseen circumstances, we exceeded the budget of : 116 200frs CFA - $209,16 USD : This sum was taken from the funds allocated to the Editatons

Anything else


Anything else you want to share about your project?

  • For a first edition, it was a success and the motivation is greater to continue
  • For motivation, we distributed gadgets to all participants and volunteers