Grants:Project/Rapid/Wikimedians of Cameroon User Group/Wiki Loves Women editathons in Buea and Bamenda/Report

Report accepted
This report for a Rapid Grant approved in FY 2017-18 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.



Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?

Expected to be held in May and June 2018 in two cities, training sessions were finally held in August 2018 (3 days) and May 2019 (2 days) in a single city (Buea), security situation too strained in Bamenda. Despite all the prejudices because of the security problems in the city, we are delighted that several initial objectives have been achieved :

  • We registered more than thirty new contributors with about 60% of women
  • Our partnership with the association :Noela Lyonga Foundation has strengthened; she managed the communication of the training sessions, the selection of the participants, the logistics, ...
  • Several articles have been created and improved for a first experience (Dashboard of first session : First session in Buea)
  • It is agreed to have a monthly meeting to keep motivation and continue to contribute

In addition to these goals, we have due financial means available contributed and taken part in other activities : The InterWiki Women Collaboration Campaign in Douala Articles of Armenian women(Dashboard : Articles translated into French), We have honored our partnership with the Goethe Institute by organizing monthly community meetings that have allowed us to strengthen member training, stabilize the community and we are currently thinking about how to structure it.

Some dashboard :



Please report on your original project targets.

Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
2 events 8 events In addition to the two initial sessions, we held other
More than 50 participants More than 60 participants Taking into account 8 organized events
More than 50 new editors About forty in all Taking into account 8 organized events
10 articles created or improved 45 articles created, 118 articles improved For the 8 events
More than 100 pictures Any We were faced with several problems: One of our photographers saw his camera destroyed by the police, our request for permission to take a pictures was not favorable.



Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:

  • What worked well?
    • Exceptional motivation of the participants (33 new participants, different during the 2 sessions) both through contributions and learning (7 articles created and 9 modified)
    • Today a branch of our community is born
    • We found a free workspace for our future meetings
  • What did not work so well?
    • Too much postponement of training sessions
    • Inter-sessional gap that contributed to the demotivation of some participants
    • Security tensions in the region
    • Impossible to take pictures in the city and get permission from the authorities
  • What would you do differently next time?
    • Avoid too many gaps between training sessions



Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.

Item Spent Budget in XOF Spend Budget in USD Receipt Available Comments
Transportation and accomodation costs (2 persons during 3 days and 2 persons during 2 days) 202.000 frs CFA $343,40 USD Yes, except taxis For 5 days instead of 6 days
3G/4G modem for the internet access 115 000 frs CFA $195,50 USD Yes, For 5 days instead of 6 days
Meals and drinks 227 100 frs CFA $386,07 USD Yes Forecasts rise in the first session
Halls It was free It was free
Cameras rental 26 300 frs CFA $44,71 USD No This is transportation for taking pictures in the city and for the application for authorization
Transport of participants (Taking pictures) Not done Not done
Meal during stay 20 000 frs CFA $34,00 USD No Not possible to have invoice
Telephone credit to contact partners and participants 15 000 frs CFA $25,50 USD Yes
Transport of participants coming from Douala 6000 frs CFA $10,20 USD Yes
Total 611 400 frs CFA $1 039,38 USD

Remaining funds


Do you have any remaining grant funds? Yes, but used as follows:

Item Spent Budget in XOF Spend Budget in USD Receipt Available Comments
InterWiki Women Collaboration Campaign in Douala 74 250 frs CFA $117,73 USD Yes Meals and drinks : 14 250 frs CFA; Transportation of participants : 10 000 frs CFA; Videoprojector rental : 50 000 frs CFA
User Group monthly meeting at Goethe Institut (5 months) 374 000 frs CFA $635,80 USD Yes, Transportation of participants : 154 000 frs CFA; Yaounde stays (Hotels) : 145 000 frs CFA; Transport to Yaounde : 75 000 frs CFA
Total 448 250 frs CFA $762,03 USD

Rest : 611 400 frs CFA + 448 250 frs CFA = 1 059 650 frs CFA - 1 081 000 frs CFA = 21 350 frs CFA

Remaining funds have been used or will be used for other approved mission-aligned activities. This use has been requested in writing and approved by WMF.

Anything else


Anything else you want to share about your project?

The finalization of this grant was very long, which can explain all the prejudices in terms of communication, synchronization and others: We apologize.