Grants:Project/Rapid/Wikimedians of Cameroon User Group/Wikikwatt Project - Cameroon (Relaunch)/Report

Report accepted
This report for a Rapid Grant approved in FY 2017-18 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.



Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?

  1. Start the Wikikwatt project in Douala and Maroua
  2. To extend the presence of the User group in the Maroua and Douala towns
  3. Add the number of articles in the previous towns (Yaounde and Buea)
  4. Create articles for towns (Douala and Maroua)
  5. Translate new and existing articles about neighborhoods in the aforementioned towns
  6. Add quality images about neighborhoods in these towns to Wikimedia Commons
  7. Consolidate old partnerships and create new partnerships with photographic organs in the concerned towns.



Please report on your original project targets. Please be sure to review and provide metrics required for Rapid Grants.

  • Wikikwatt Project - Cameroon (Relaunch) Statistics for french articles: [1]
  • Wikikwatt Project - Cameroon (Relaunch) Statistics for english articles: [2]
Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
Number of events= 24 events more than 14 events. Goal missed due to staff misunderstanding at beginning of project
Number of participants= 10 - 20 per town (in total 40 - 80 participants) 23 participants Goal missed due to staff misunderstanding at beginning of project
Number of new editors=About 15 About 10 Goal missed due to staff misunderstanding at beginning of project
Number of articles=More than 3 - 5 per participant (in french, english and German) About 54 Goal met. For this metric, we done more effort to engage more contributors in 4 towns concerned to atteimpt this goal. For the time reserved after the resolution of staff misunderstanding, we can say that obtain articles and pictures can face goal.
Number of of photos uploaded: More than 20 pictures in total Number of of photos uploaded: +60 pictures in total Goal met



Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:

  • What worked well?
  1. All sessions, started at Yaounde were a very good experience.
  2. Good number of participants contributed their articles to Wikipedia
  3. Good number of participants contributed their photos to Wikimedia Commons
  4. Good introduction of Maroua and Douala in project
  5. Empower new leads in the four cities where the project was held
  • What did not work so well?
  1. Organization due to staff misunderstanding
  2. Leadership during the project due to non-respect of grant process in our UG.
  3. Those two points affected progress of project, we observe more than five weeks of inactivity which not only tainted the results but also the end date of the project. We had to push the end of the project to the end of February.
  • What would you do differently next time?
  1. Strengthen communication within the User Group staff
  2. Differentiate roles on UG staff



Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.

Item Spent Budget in XAF Spend Budget in USD Receipt Available Comments
Communication 100000 $178.9164818 No Done by volunteers
Photowalks Yde-Dla-Mra 76000 $135.98 No Done by volunteers and professionnal photographers
Activation Yaounde 50000 $89.459 No Done by volunteers
Activation Maroua 100000 $178.92 Yes (partial) Hall have receipt
Yaounde January sesion 55000 $98.41 No Done by volunteers
visuals conception 15000 $26.84 Yes Logo, all visuals needed for project
Printing gadgets 260000 $465.19 Yes all visuals (rollups, mugs, tshirts...)
Internet connection 150000 $268.38 Yes all data needed during project
Event, food, drinks and Hall Douala 130800 $234.02 Partial Some features have receipts
Event, food, drinks and Hall Yaounde 288986 145000 $259.43 Partial Some features have receipts
Printing gadgets 260000 $465.19 Partial Some features have receipts
Event, food, drinks and Hall Buea 175000 $313.11 Partial Some features have receipts
Event, food, drinks and Hall Maroua 110000 $196.81 Partial Some features have receipts
Gifts for best contributors 120000 $214.70 Yes OTC USB Keys
Aperitif (for trainers out of his town) 140000 $250.49 No There isn't receipt on food place
Stay in each town (accomodation)) 60000 $107.35 Yes Rest of trainer night before session
Transaction fees 10000 $18,52 No Mobile operator fees
Total 1.696.800 frs CFA $3.036 USD Changes were estimated about 558.92 XAF

Remaining funds


Do you have any remaining grant funds?

The funds remaining from this grant in the amount of US$62.98 were deducted from another grant payment for Grants:Project/Rapid/Wikimedians_of_Cameroun_User_Group/AFCON_2021.
XAF35200 ($62.98 USD) left.
This could be reverted to UG account to plan training session or another project by waiting funds in account.

Anything else


Anything else you want to share about your project?

Given the important work that there is around the neighborhoods in the cities of Cameroon, a new experience on the project will be welcome. We thank the entire team for the support in achieving this result.