Grants:Project/Rapid/Wikimedians of Republic of Srpska/Wiki ambassador in Republic of Srpska/Report

Report accepted
This report for a Rapid Grant approved in FY 2016-17 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.



Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went? A project Wiki ambassador in Republic of Srpska has been realized in all of planned segments. The process of realization of the project has been divided in three segments: preparations, realization of project activities and evaluation.

  • Preparation

Beside preparations, that involved analysis of the possibilities of implementation and realization of the project and making the project plan and documentation, the community have realized preparations that were required as a basic support and start point for realization of the project. These preparations involved the sending of the letters to institutions and negotiations related to cooperation, creating templates and pages on Wikipedia and the website devoted to the project, making the logo of the project, writing and sending press releases to the media, the promotion of the project on social networks, communication with collaborators from institutions with which it is achieved cooperation. Activities have been successfully implemented: established cooperation with two institutions - one educational and one GLAM, as planned. At sr. Wikipedia there is a page dedicated to the project where, beside the templates and logo, all the information related to the project can be found. Beside basic information, there is a list of educational tasks that community will realize using Wikipedia in the teaching process. This procedure was very useful because it has attracted attention and approval of other teachers who have been indifferent to such activities. Before the project started the letter to the media had been sent, written a blog post, and the news about project had been published on Facebook and the official website of the Community. Also, we have cooperated with associates who worked on the project in front of their institutions - with two teachers and one librarian. Teachers have formed a group made of the best senior pupils. In order to communicate with participants and teachers and providing online support, a special mailing list dedicated to a group that took part in activities in the education sector has been created. In the sphere of GLAM cooperation, we have established cooperation with the National Library of Pale. Their representative has provide to Wiki ambassadors all necessary literature during operation.

  • Realization of the project activities

Realization of the project activities has been developed in two dimensions - one Viki ambassador has conducted activities in education, and two in GLAM institution. In elementary school "Vuk Karadzic" has been realized five workshops and one editing marathon in which the students have competed in creating of articles. The workshops has been aimed at creating thematic contents that were correlated with the curriculum,and it has been paid attention that in among of the topics, facilities that are not represented on Wikipedia can be found. An agreement about providing the necessary literature has been reached with the City Library and the library at the school. Before each workshop, in cooperation with the teachers, there was preparation that involved selection of topic that were wrote about. Beside the content relate to literature and history, students has worked on creating articles in the field of biology - a very valuable articles about mushrooms that can be found in the former Yugoslavia, has been set on Wikipedia, which was very difficult to find literature about. In the educational activities took participation 16 students of which 7 was males and 9 was females. In the workshops has been created a total of 113 new articles. Expressed in bytes that is 580988.
After a series of editorial workshop editorial marathon has been held in which was attended the students who have passed the necessary training and participated in the workshops. The marathon has attended a total of 15 students, out of which was 7 males and 8 females. The jury consisted of three experienced Wikipedia editors who, after the end of the competition have selected three students with the best results. The winners has been awarded symbolic prizes - first place - tablet, second place - Encyclopedia and third place - a web camera. Also, all participants have received letters of thanks for participation. As part of the marathon 37 articles has been, expressed in bytes, that is 326.359.
Parallel to the educational activities the project activities at the GLAM institution was realizing. Two community representatives - Wiki ambassadors have realized 6 visit to the libraries in which, in the cooperation with an associate from the library, was created articles based on the available literature. On that occasion, attention was paid to the selection of the thematic content of which is difficult to reach the literature. Through cooperation with the library a total of 57 new articles has been created, which in bytes is 198.279. All of activities has been promoted through the press media, blog posts and Facebook.

  • Evaluation

Final evaluation of the project has implied the creation of a single case studies in the form of a video, which is about educational project activities. The shooting have taken part teachers, students, school director and representative of the community. Beside the presentation of the educational system of the Republic of Srpska in the video has presented the positive use of Wikipedia for educational purposes as well as educational objectives that can be achieved by implementing in the Wikimedia projects. In addition to that the teachers and students have talked about the experience of the last projects. Video material has been mounted in the short film duration of 7:40 minutes. The film is set on the Wikimedia Commons and it is available in Serbian language. Also, we are working on translation in English, and video will be available in both languages - English and Serbian. Video and photographs taken during the implementation of the project have been made by a bought camera. We have created a special category at Wikimedia Commons in which you can find all photos taken by the camera. During the awards of the winners of the editorial marathon a film has been shown and that had a positive impact on the audience. After end of of the project,we have sent a press relase and all activities have been promoted on the website, blog and social network Facebook. A total of 11 media releases, of which 5 participation and appearances in TV shows:



Please report on your original project targets.

Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
1. Number of total participants: 20 participants 21 (105%)
2. Number of articles created or improved (if applicable): 170 new articles 207 (121.76%)
3. Number of photos uploaded to Wikimedia Commons (if applicable): 200 photographs + 1 movie 148 photos (74.00%), 1 movie (100%)
4. Number of facebook followers/page likes: >200 207 (100%)
5. Number of media announcements: 10 11 (110%)
6. Community will be stronger than now (min 15 new users) 15 (100%)



Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:

  • What worked well?

The project has made a positive impact on the educational and GLAM institutions and the public in the Republic of Srpska. It has effected a significant media interest, which is very good for the community, which is in the development phase. Beside the public interest, it is important to point out that there was a lot of interest in the project and project activities by side of participants. Cooperation with representatives of institutions - associates was at a satisfactory level.

  • What did not work so well?

The project needed publishing of 200 pictures on Wikimedia Commons. This goal have not been fully achieved. Only 148 photos has been set. The reason for this is that the representatives of the community who have realized activities in Pale have not get permission from the Republic Institute for Protection of the Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Srpska publishing photos, because the data are confidential and not for public. The request for taking photos has been sent to the institution during the planning of the project, and the answer came with a considerable delay and was negative. After that it was pointless to shoot each other during the work and set photos that have not been planned with the project.

  • What would you do differently next time?

Nothing much we would not changed about things we can influence if we decided to realize the same project for the second time. We would tried to include more institutions and more Wiki ambassador in the project.



Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.

Number Category Item description Unit Number of units Actual cost per unit Actual total Budgeted total Currency Notes
1 Preparation Preparation 3 3 50 151,62 150 EUR The difference in the exchange rate BAM-EUR.
2 Venue Venue 1 6 50 0,00 0,00 EUR
3 Printing and copying Printing and copying 1 340 0.3 104,61 102 EUR The difference in the exchange rate BAM-EUR.
4 Prizes I, II and III prizes 1 package 50-25-15 90 95,89 90 EUR The difference in the exchange rate BAM-EUR.
5 Camera 1 1 400 400 400 EUR
6 Project management 3 person 0,00 0,00 0,00 EUR
7 Miscellaneous and reserves 10,12 50 EUR The difference in the exchange rate BAM-EUR. Accrued excess of individual items.

Total amount requested from the WMF: 792 EUR
Total spent: 752,12 EUR
Not spent: 39, 88 EUR

Remaining funds

Remaining funds from this grant have been returned to WMF in the amount of 39.88 EUR.

Do you have any remaining grant funds?

Yes. Not spent: 39, 88 EUR.

Anything else


Anything else you want to share about your project?