Grants:Project/Rapid/Yves Madika/Movement Strategy Discussion
< Grants:Project | Rapid
For a good implementation of the 10 recommendations, we wish we organized a series of 3 salons in two cities, Goma and Lubumbashi, where we have never run a Wikimedia-like activity.
targetDRCongo Communities
start dateDec 20
end dateJan 31
budget (USD)2000
grant typeIndividual
grantee• Yves Madika
contact(s)• ityvesmadika

Please see the sample Movement strategy application before drafting your application.
Project Goal
editChoose one or more of the following goals. You can add or delete goals as needed.
- Encourage community participation
- Document implementation ideas related to movement strategy
- Disseminate information about movement strategy recommendations to community
- Coordinate community discussions
Project Plan
edit- What community or communities will be involved in this movement strategy discussion(s)?
- Yes. Working in synergy with follow country Wikimedians in Kisangani on Nov 2, 2020 (internal meeting), we found that for the purpose of diversity it will be better to also organize salons in other cities than Kisangani. So, did we find it useful abd high priority to delegate to 2 fellow Wikimedians to those cities.
- How will you make sure everyone is invited?
- Having organized so many movement strategy salons, we have lists of participants with phone numbers and emails. Apart from that, we have a mailing list for the User group, WhatsApp group, and Facebook page.
- How will you document community discussion(s) and feedback related to movement strategy? Who will be responsible for documenting these discussions?
- Yves Sefu (Lubumbashi) and Abel Mbula (Goma) are responsibles for the documentation. They has lead many movement strategy discussions/salons. He's attended the East African Strategy Movement discussion in 2019 and he has a good understanding of the strategy project so it will be easy for him to get feedback related to the movement strategy.
- What is your facilitation plan to support productive discussions around movement strategy? Please also provide a link to a Friendly Space Policy that will be implemented to support these discussions.
- Our plan is as follow: we are expecting to have two community leaders from other Wikimedia movement to open the meetings. We are expecting to have Benoit (Wikimedia Canada) and Diane (WMFr). They will be on the ground to answer questions from the audience. Yves Madika and Abel Mbula will be serving as a facilitators. Their work will be present the strategy recommendations and explain the recommendations to the audience.
- If you are requesting funding for online tools or services to support participation, please describe these services and how they will be used. If not, please write N/A.
- If you are translating movement strategy materials, in what languages will you be supporting translation? Who will be responsible for doing the translations? If not, please write N/A.
- Are you running any in-person events or activities? If so, you will need to complete the steps outlined in the Risk Assessment protocol related to COVID-19. When you have completed these steps, please provide a link to your completed copy of the risk assessment tool below:
- Once you have completed the risk assessment protocol, please contact strategy2030 to confirm and finalize additional budget and logistical needs.
- Is there anything else you want to tell us about this project?
edit- Number of total participants: 50
- Number of new participants: 30
- Number of people who will help organize the event: 4-8
- Please note that you are required to fill in the template regarding the outcomes of the event that you can consult on meta or in Google Forms
Optionally, you are welcome to include other information you'd like to share around participant gender, age, project representation, editing experience, etc. Please include any additional outcomes you would like to report on below:
edit- Facilitation (facilitation time including facilitator preparation, meeting facilitation time, and debriefing): 4hrs * 75$ = 300$
- Documentation (document preparation time, time spent documenting of discussion, post-meeting work): 135$
- Travel and accomodation : 1215$
- Other: (promotion, marketing, refreshment...): 350$
edit- Endorsements are not needed for events related to Movement Strategy.. Community members are welcome to provide feedback or questions on the talk page.