
Project is informing and engaging new initiatives, former and future Wikimedia contributors from the CEE region, centering few SEE countries and their diasporas, especially un/under-represented groups. It is doing so using queer and feminist methods, with focus on intersectional discrimination, with marginalized, untypical and non-normalized subjectivities.
targetMeta, Commons, Wikidata, Wikipedia SH/HR/BS, but also tentatively Wikivoyage, Wikibooks, Wikinews, Wikisource  
start dateNovember 25th or as soon as available *(there are no cost payment that can not be delayed for few weeks), but ideally before December 4th.
end dateJune 15th
budget (local currency)2000 USD (this application is regional)
budget (USD)2000 USD
grant typeindividual
contact(s)• Zblace/SEEQingFuturity• causevic.azar(_AT_)

Please see the sample Movement strategy application before drafting your application.

Project Goals


Choose one or more of the following goals. You can add or delete goals as needed.

  1. Translate, Localize and Disseminate information about movement strategy recommendations
  2. Inform, Network and Coordinate individuals with leadership and coordination experience
  3. Encourage community participation both in local, thematic and global activities
  4. Coordinate, document, translate and report on community discussions
  5. Publish implementation ideas related to movement strategy

Project Plan




What community or communities will be involved in this movement strategy discussion(s)?

  1. Discussions will be open for all who register but each discussion will have different focus group or theme
  2. Geographically regional group of Wikimedia CEE (just did a session on CEE Talk #3), but centering few SEE countries that are un/under represented former republics of Yugoslavia and with a special focus on new initiatives
  3. Thematically it will range from GLAM and Education professionals, to civil-society/activist topics
  4. Socially it will include different groups from Feminist-Queer/LGBT+/environmental/youth groups, including at least 3 distinct new groups femQueerRAINBOW, ExPatYUGOdiasporas, GLAM Croatia

How will you make sure everyone is invited?

Information will be disseminated via personal outreach and published via:
  1. official WMF mailing-lists, Meta, WM CEE telegram and other channels
  2. social media of multiple organizations and individuals: facebook, twitter, instagram, mastodon...
  3. mainstream media articles and institutional announcements
  1. We will try to commission preparatory research work for each session by 2 contributors that would address specific issues/themes that we felt have urgency to be presented and discussed (these presentation slides and possible recordings would be published)
  2. Each session will have at least 2 facilitators that will take turn in presenting, moderating and documenting, while a self-documentation option will also be an option for all participants via Etherpads (if participants agree there would be a possibility of audio recording)

What is your facilitation plan to support productive discussions around movement strategy?


Please also provide a link to a Friendly Space Policy that will be implemented to support these discussions.

  1. inform all in advance of the process and urgency to take part
  2. work with professional facilitator on engagement and harvesting plan
  3. present and establish shared understanding of transition with participants
  4. make retrospect of 20 years + perspective of 10 for plan of 1year
  5. establish safe space so both critical and creative voices can be heard
  6. discuss possible developments based on different scenarios



If you are translating movement strategy materials, in what languages will you be supporting translation? Who will be responsible for doing the translations? If not, please write N/A.

  1. into Croatian/Bosnian/Serbian/Montenegrin *(myself +C. Brkovic +A. Causevic)
  2. into Slovenian/Macedonian/Albanian (D. Pejic +E. Capani)
  3. into English (myself + D. Skaljac)

Is there anything else you want to tell us about this project?

  1. number of sessions might go beyond minimum 4, but we will try to keep groups in the range of 5 to 8 participants to maximize focus and opportunity for all to speak
  2. depending on dynamics within different groups, we might try to do a bigger follow-up activity to process the results together


  1. Number of total participants: 25-40
  2. Number of new participants: 15-25
  3. Number of people who will help organize the event: 5-8
  4. Please note that you are required to fill in the template regarding the outcomes of the event that you can consult on meta or in Google Forms

Optionally, you are welcome to include other information you'd like to share around participant gender, age, project representation, editing experience, etc. Please include any additional outcomes you would like to report on below:

  1. Distribution of across experience: at least 4 different user groups *(spanning from new and experienced, to former and current admins)
  2. Distribution of across generations/age: at least 4 different age groups will be consulted *(span of 40 years)
  3. Distribution of across gender and sex: at least 4 different gender identity and 3 of sex orientation *(spanning from cis-straight to gender-queer-pansexual)


  • Facilitation (facilitation time including facilitator preparation, meeting facilitation time, and debriefing): 4 events x 2 people x $50 per person = 400 USD
  • Documentation (document preparation time, time spent documenting of discussion, post-meeting work): 4 events x 2 people x $50 per person = 400 USD
  • Translation (translation costs for briefs and global materials): 3 languages x $100 = 300 USD
  • Coordination (coordinator work to manage or support multiple workflows to prepare for meeting): 400 USD
  • Other:
    • Promotion for the events: 100 USD
    • Topical research presentations, i.e. participation gaps and knowledge gaps: 4 events x 2 people x $50 per person

TOTAL: 2.000 USD


  • Endorsements are not needed for events related to Movement Strategy.. Community members are welcome to provide feedback or questions on the talk page.