March is the international month dedicated to the French contribution to which Mali participates for the first time at the Bamako Manuscripts Fair on March 9, 10 and 11, 2018 at the National Library of Bamako. First Wikimedia Mali will be created and 15 Malian contributors will be trained to use Wikipedia. It is necessary to organize a training course since Mali already participates in wikipedia media projects including the contest wikichallenge schools in africa, the contest wiki loves africa and the participation of N'fana Diakité in the meeting wiki in daba in Tunisia 2018.
targetWikimedia Commons, Wikipedia
start date1st of March
end date30th of March
budget (USD)2000 dollars
grant typeorganization
contact(s)• Nfana Diakite <>user:anthere
organization (if applicable)• Association Un Main Pour Deux Livres

Please see the sample Contest application before drafting your application.

Project Goal


Choose one or more of the following goals. You can add or delete goals as needed.

Create awareness about the Wikimedia movement and its activities through participation to the training And the goal is to create the community of Maliki Wikipedians contributors (wikimediaMali) so that it is able to contribute professionally to wikipedia

Project Plan




Tell us how you'll carry out your project. Be sure to answer the following questions:

I am the facilitator in Mali of the #WikiChallenge Ecoles d'Afrique, a writing contest on vikidia organized in 70 schools in 4 African countries in October and November 2017. It so happen that the work done in the wiki sphere in the schools will happen at the same time than Wiki Loves Africa. So far, no local team has ever promoted the Wiki Loves Africa photo contest in Mali. I propose to do so and promote the contest toward the contest in two target populations : toward the schools and more generally the educational sector, and toward young professional and semi-amator photographers. And especially the creation of the community of Mali Wikipedians contributors (wikimedia Mali) during international month of the French contribution

I will

  • communicate about the contest in various venues and within my networks
  • Training in the use of Wikipedia of the 15 Malian contributors (March 11, 2018) at the Bilbiotheque Nationale at the Bamako Manuscripts Fair, a big event with a lot of media coverage
  • facilitate the participation bloggers, journalist, students and of schools kids and personnel to the contest
  • organize a winning ceremony with local prizes for schools and for photographers
  • organise a exhibition of winning photos or photo-essays

1. What content will the contest training on, and why is it important to your community?

the training will focus on the basics of learning to use wikipedia

2. How will you let people know about the contest?

via the association of bloggers from Mali, launching ceremony with media press. Personal network.

3. How are you going to do the training and with whom??

they are professional journalists, bloggers, students who will benefit from the training with an experienced trainer.



How will you know if the project is successful and you've met your goals? Please include the following targets and feel free to add more:

  1. 15 Malian contributors will be trained as a core
  2. We will open the association to other members especially journalists and students of private and public faculties and universities of Mali
  3. After the training each contributor will have to write 03 articles, which makes 45 articles posted on wikipedia for the month of March
  4. Newspapers, TV and social networks will talk about it
  5. Stories



What resources do you have? Include information on who is organizing the project, what they will do, and if you will receive support from anywhere else (in-kind donations or additional funding).

Comparison of the four major styles of The Chi Wara / Chiwara / Chi-Wara mask of the Bambara people of Mali. Left to right Abstract / Bougouni / Southern region style, Vertical/ Segu/ Northern region style, the Horizontal / Bamako / Northern region style, and the Abstract / Sikasso region style

Person organizing the contest in Mali :
Coordinateur de Projet/Programme
Association Un Livre Pour Deux Mains
Écrivain, Nouvelliste
Président,Clubs RFI Mali

N'fana is currently looking for additional funding. Other local partners will support Mali and training will be done at the National Library in Bamako

What resources do you need? For your funding request, list bullet points for each expense and include a total amount.

Descriptions Cost
Communication (Poster, banner, press stipends etc…) 300.000
Cost Descriptions Communication (Poster, banner, press support etc ...) 300,000

computer room rental for the training of Malian contributors

connected to the internet and computers available 300,000 Purchase projector 300.000 Coffee break 100,000 lunch break 150,000 per diem trainer 100,000 making t-shirts 120.000

The total budget is 3185 dollars (1.370.0000 francs CFA).

The amount of money requested is 2000 dollars. Other sources of funding are being approached at the same time. Should the funding available be lower, expenses will be adapted to the available budget.



Community members are encouraged to endorse your project request here!