Grants:Project/Rapid/magotech/USLW OLYMPICS/Report

Report accepted
This report for a Rapid Grant approved in FY 2021-22 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.
  • To read the approved grant submission describing the plan for this project, please visit Grants:Project/Rapid/magotech/USLW OLYMPICS.
  • You may still comment on this report on its discussion page, or visit the discussion page to read the discussion about this report.
  • You are welcome to Email rapidgrants at wikimedia dot org at any time if you have questions or concerns about this report.



Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?

Yes all the goals were met successfully and we are happy for that.



Please report on your original project targets. Please be sure to review and provide metrics required for Rapid Grants.

Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
10 Events (4 in-person & 6 Online) 11 Events (4 in-person & 7 Online) The target was reached successfully with an addition of one more online event
30 participants 41 participants With the help of reallocated funds (235USD) from our previous project we were able to host more participants in this project
10 new editors 20 new editors The target was achieved successfully with an increase of 100% of the target
250 Articles created or improved. 211 New articles created & 238 Improved articles The target was achieved successfully.
25 repeating participants 30 repeating participants The target was achieved successfully



Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:

  • What worked well?
Everything worked well.
  • What did not work so well?
Everything worked fine.
  • What would you do differently next time?
During this program's events, we noticed non-student personals being much interested with the project. Next time we hope to include them and create more awareness in them on the Wikimedia projects. However, we hope to launch two Wikimedia Clubs in the University of Dodoma sooner, we are still working with the students from St. John University of Tanzania and the Institute of Rural Development and planning to strengthen their clubs before launching one in each of them.
Also applying for funding earlier will help us perform the projects timely



Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.

  • Foods and drinks: (30(participants) X 8USD X 4(Events)) + 235USD (Reallocated from the previous project)=1,195USD
  • Venue: 150USD X 4(Events)= 600USD
  • Branding (stickers) & stationeries: 100USD
  • Transportation for facilitators: 25USD X 3 (Facilitators) X 2 (Events)= 150USD
  • Accommodation for facilitators: 30USD X 3 (Facilitators) X 2 (Events)= 180USD
  • Online Subscription (Zoom): 14.99 USD
  • Internet support: 150USD
  • Transport for participants(region wise): 5 (participants) X 10USD X 4 (Events)= 200USD
  • Accomodation for participants (region wise): 30USD X 5 (Participants) X 4 (Events)= 600USD
  • Bank Rates: 45USD


Remaining funds


Do you have any remaining grant funds?

No, we do not have any remaining grant funds.

Anything else


Anything else you want to share about your project?

We thank the WMF for the support from the start till now. We will continue supporting the movement always.
Kindly find the link to the dashboards statistics below.