Grants:Project/WMTR/Reintroducing Wikipedia to Turkey/Timeline

Timeline for WMTR

Timeline Date
Got the non profit status for the group. 13 July 2020
QR Codes at Pera Museum's Orientalist Paintings Collection delivers visitors Wikipedia pages again! Agreed on a yearly activities plan for exhibitions at Pera Museum. 28 September 2020
Delivered basic Wiki-training at Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality offices for the key-personnel in future GLAM partnership opportunities with some Istanbul based institutions. 1 October 2020
The Wikipedia Education Program, the most important activity of the user group before Wikipedia was blocked in Turkey, was initiated again first at Bursa Uludag University Environmental Engineering Department after the lifting of the block. 19 October 2020
Agreed in principal to collaborate with Turkish Language Association, the official regulatory body of the Turkish language in organizing a seris of wiki edit-a-thons, article contests and networking with other government institutions. 30 November 2020
First introduction with Turkish Librarian Association. Opportunity to be able to reach librarians nation-wide through Association achieved. 19 December 2020
The highest participation to Editor Community Meetings achived (28 participants). 1 December 2020
First experience of giving Wikipedia-editing training at high-school level. 11 December 2020
15th Wikipedia Eduucation Program of the year at Sakarya University Geography Department. 3 January 2021

Monthly updates


Please prepare a brief project update each month, in a format of your choice, to share progress and learnings with the community along the way. Submit the link below as you complete each update.

July 2020


July 2020 Report

August 2020


August 2020 Report

September 2020


September 2020 Report

October 2020


October 2020 Report

November 2020


November 2020 Report

December 2020


December 2020 Report

January 2021


January 2021 Report

February 2021


February 2021 Report

March 2021


March 2021 Report

April 2021


April 2021 Report

May 2021


May 2021 Report

June 2021


June 2021 Report

Extension request


New end date


30 June 2021


Education Program activities
  • The Education Program started in the fall term will continue in the spring term. In the fall term some education institutions were very interested in implementing the Wikipedia Education program but did not want to start the program right away because it was the beginning of the pandemic crisis, they were trying to adopt online education and were not feeling ready. Some institutions started it in only one small class but they were interested to cover wiki-projects in a more systematic way in the classes after evaluating the results. We will be following up with those institutions and support them in integrating Wikipedia into their courses.
  • In the fall term we observe that some Turkish universities are starting a program for freshmen students in which they focus on their general competencies (i.e Kadir Has University Core Program). We also observed that some universities are adding "voluntarism" as a required course for their students (i.e İzmir University of Economics). We will be making talks with education institutions to offer them to make editing wiki projects a part of their freshmen program and/or voluntarism courses.
  • In addition to working with university students we experimented to work with a high school group (HeforShe Team of Bahcesehir College, Istanbul) in the first term. In the spring term we'll search for ways of realizing more activities with high school groups and report the results.
GLAM activities
  • We made a series of talks with GLAM institutions mostly in Istanbul and Ankara, in addition to other cities like Izmit, Bursa and introduced them collaboration opportunities with Wikimedians and wikimedia projects; explained functioning of wiki projects to the personnel. We will be following up our talks with those institutions and try to produce one concrete GLAM project together to set an example for future collaborations.
  • We will make a webinar on Wikipedia editing for the students of 4 Librarians Education departments of universities in Istanbul in partnership with Istanbul Librarian Association.
Community meetings
  • We will continue regular community meetings online and share the meeting notes. We will be working on ways of increasing participation and diversity in the meetings.



Noting here that the Program Officer approval for this grant extension to 30 June 2021 may be found at Grants:Project/WMTR/Reintroducing Wikipedia to Turkey/Finances#Budget change request, which approves the grant increase request for the period 1 January - 30 June 2021. -- JTud (WMF), Grants Administrator (talk) 19:20, 22 February 2021 (UTC)

Extension request button


Is your final report due but you need more time?