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我們的2014年重點是能夠在資源缺乏之維基媒體運動的新興地區、語種、或社群(尤其是南營地區Global South,也就是開發中國家)發展與執行有創新性的資金贊助策略。我們也會透過資金補助協助創造各種策略來縮小性別差距、增進女性參與維基貢獻。
Wikipedia and the Wikimedia movement have shown the world what individuals can achieve. Grantmaking at WMF follows the paradigm of our free culture projects of empowering individuals to work collaboratively to make positive change in their own communities. We entrust our grantees with the responsibility to design and lead their own projects, while providing them with resources to help those projects succeed.
Individual Engagement grants provide individual Wikimedians with funds and mentorship to try out bold ideas for engaging new contributors and promoting new ways to contribute. Project and Event grants fund volunteer-led events and initiatives that strengthen local communities and extend the reach of free content and free culture values into new corners of the globe. Travel and Participation Support grants allow community members to spread awareness and seek new knowledge at mission-aligned events outside of the Wikimedia Movement. Annual Planning grants fund initiatives that promote individual leadership and support volunteerism in the Wikimedia Foundation's affiliate organizations.