This page is a translated version of the page Grants:Start and the translation is 22% complete.
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Vítajte vo Fondoch nadácie Wikimédia!

Nadácie Wikimédie podporuje jednotlivcov a organizácie na celom svete s cieľom zvýšiť rozmanitosť, dosah, kvalitu a množstvo bezplatných vedomostí. Podporujeme rovnosť vedomostí v súlade so strategickým smerovaním hnutia Wikimedia. Naše programy financovania sú zamerané na decentralizované rozhodovanie, regionálne výbory a oslovenie nedostatočne zastúpených komunít.

Náš prístup, zameraný na ľudí, je postavený na princípoch rovnosti a zákaze diskriminácie, na princípoch spolupráce a kooperácie, a na podpore inovácií a vzdelávania. Máme tri programy financovania, ktoré podporujú jednotlivcov a organizácie: Wikimedia Community Fund, Wikimedia Alliances Fund a Wikimedia Research and Technology Fund.

Programy financovania

Wikimedia Community Fund

Komunitný fond je jednotný program s flexibilnou podporou a financovaním pre wikimediántov pracujúcich na rovnosti znalostí v súlade so strategickým smerovaním Hnutia.

Funds short-term, low-cost projects by Wikimedia community members – individuals, groups, affiliates, or organizations contributing to Wikimedia projects such as Wikipedia or Commons – to organize projects throughout the year.
2 months processing time; average funding amount: 500 - 5,000 USD
Funding and planning support to groups, individuals or organizations to organize local, regional, and thematic conferences that bring together Wikimedians for experience sharing, skill building, and networking.
3 months processing time; average funding amount: 10,000 - 90,000 USD
Flexible general operating support for individuals, groups, or affiliates that have developed larger projects or programs or a strategic plan that requires sustained investment over time to be able to achieve its goals.
3 months processing time
Multi-year general operating support for individuals, groups, or affiliates.
3 year funding possible

The Wikimedia Community Funds are supported by the Community Resources team. Our team provides consistent regional support and contributes to the establishment of a learning mindset.

For hubs

For proposals to prepare, pilot, or continue operating a hub.
2 months processing time, multiple rounds per year.

For researchers

The Research Fund provides support to individuals, groups, and organizations with research interests on or about Wikimedia projects.

Partnership resource projects

Resourcing project proposals for community members in India through the Rapid Project, General Support Project and Conference Project programs.


See also