
Welcome back from Wikimania 2016!




Hebrew wikipedia


Option 1: Shared Experience: What is one way you shared something from your experience with your community (either locally or globally), after the event?

Dear Team. It's hard to choose one thing that was a result of the conference. It was relevant for so many things. I talked about the conference in two lectures I gave in this last week, one in the national Library of Israel, another one in an Education lectures for Geography teachers. Both times people were impressed to hear about the movement and about all that we do all over the world.

If I have to pick only one shared experience I would like to talk about our wiki-library. We established our wiki-library a few months before the conference and wanted to learn more about its development options now that we covered the basics. I talk to a lot of people, about Libraries, and was in the wiki-library workshop that was done by Alex stinson. In this workshop, and my talking to him before, I learnt about other projects that can be applied in Israel (Such as Catalonia's Network of Public Libraries), found out about new reference tools that I shared with other Librarians (Such as the Citation Hunt) and changed some of the thoughts I had about our wiki-Library. It was most useful!!!

Add a link here to a blog post or newsletter you wrote about your participation afterwards, or to a meet-up you organized to share your experience with your local community.

I wrote about the conference in the Village pump in Hebrew Wikipedia

And this is our WikiLibrary.



I gave a talk about "Coolest projects". So I met a lot of people that did amazing projects. It's very inspiring.

Anything else
