
Event name


2nd National Conference to Promote Educational Innovation with International Participation

Participant connections

Banner on site

I was talking under the topic "Wikipedia in education as a tool to reduce gender inequalities", a paper written by Marios Magioladitis and me. The track I presented in was for teachers of Informatics. and there were about 30 people in the audience at the time I was talking. There was interesting feedback from some of the teachers. They were encouraged by the fact that it is now easier for pupils to contribute, due to the existence of the Visual Editor. Some of these educators expressed their interest in using Wikipedia in their classes. The one who showed the most interest is the vice-director of the Model Experimental High School of the University of Thessaloniki. She said she would like to try things at that school, starting with training the educators. We exchanged emails so I can support her, something that will be easy since I live in the same city. I had distributed Wikipedia leaflets in the venue, and put a banner out of the room. Glavkos was also in site, helped me, and talked with educators.


Option 1: Shared Experience:



Amount left over

  • Transportation: 61.4 €
  • Per diem: 16.4 €
  • Registration fees: 60 €
  • Total: 137.8 €

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