Welcome back from Wikimania 2016!
edit- Option 1: Shared Experience: What is one way you shared something from your experience with your community (either locally or globally), after the event?
- Add a link here to a blog post or newsletter you wrote about your participation afterwards, or to a meet-up you organized to share your experience with your local community.
- Greek "village pump": el:Βικιπαίδεια:Αγορά#Αναφορά από Wikimania 2016
- Own blog:
- WM User Group Greece:
- Option 2: Learning Pattern: What is one useful learning pattern you can share with the Wikimedia movement?
- Add a link to a learning pattern - either a new pattern you created with insights from your participation, or an existing pattern to which you added your endorsement and some significant new "considerations" or “examples” from your experience.
- Option 3: New Creation: What was one useful outcome that was created at the event for the Wikimedia movement?
- Add a link to something new that was created as a result of your participation in this event (for example, you might link to a new tool that you and your co-participants worked on at the Hackathon, or to pages created in a workshop you participated in).
edit- Talked with Ladsgroup about enabling ORES for el.wikipedia. Fixed a list of stopwords. Will continue to work on using ORES for elwiki.
- Participated in Central and Eastern European Meetup, during which we discussed the Wikimedia CEE Spring 2016 and 2017 contest, the forthcoming Wikimedia CEE Meeting in Armenia, Wiki Loves Earth/Monuments 2016, as well as other joint cooperations.
- In a #100wikidays meetup, I met other alumni and "victims". Got a nice present from Spiritia.
- Talked with Romaine, Gwicke, Superzerocool, Andy Mabbet, Romaine, and Alex Stinson, Vahid Masrour, Kalliope Tsouroupidou, and of course most Balkan and CEE wikimedians.
Anything else
edit- Participated in my first Wikidojo. Very interesting, I'll try to host one in Greece.