
Welcome back from Wikimania 2016!




Romanian Wikipedia


Option 3: New Creation: What was one useful outcome that was created at the event for the Wikimedia movement?
I became more aware of how other communities handle their projects, and this enabled me to become more active and efficient in my local community.
What exactly I mean:
  • Asaf Bartov's Wikidata for Beginners helped me acquire more ideas of how to contribute better to Wikidata. I started actively using Wikidata Game, PetScan, and Mix'n'Match. After months of practicing, I am now able to do talks about such tools; one presentation I already did in Dilijan at WMCEE Meeting, and I will have an extended talk at Russian WikiConference 2016 too.
  • Discussions/Glam gave fresh ideas on a cooperation project that I started earlier in Moldova: importing files made by Agency for Inspection and Restoration of Monuments. There are 1.6K files imported manually as of now and I am now preparing grounds for a future involvement of more volunteers into the project.
  • Experience of impromptu challenges, such as Spasimir Pilev's Archives Challenge, made it easier for me to organize impromptu challenges myself. One of them is ro:Proiect:Ziua Accesului la Informație, a challenge associated with UNESCO's #AccessToInfoDay.
  • At Hackathon, Strainu demoed how to use pywiki on wikidata, the possibilities are unreal and I might get back to this.
  • CEE Spring meeting and conversations with Xabier Cañas gave the idea of setting up a contest of similar structure for Romanic language speakers of the world. No concrete plans yet...
  • Discussions/Misconceptions made me better prepared for interviews on Wikipedia.
  • The #100wikidays meeting re-assured me I am in the right club.


  • Asaf Bartov, my Wikidata mentor
  • Xabier Cañas, shared his experience on Euskara Wikipedia
  • Edward Galvez, taught me how to perform good interviews and surveys
  • Chris Schilling, told me more on Rapid Grants while on plane
  • and many many more

Anything else

