
Welcome back from Wikimania 2018!



Isaac Kanguya

Simple English Wikipedia & Chi-Chewa Wikipedia


Option 1: Shared Experience: What is one way you shared something from your experience with your community (either locally or globally), after the event?
Add a link here to a blog post or newsletter you wrote about your participation afterwards, or to a meet-up you organized to share your experience with your local community.

My blog post here and back home in Zambia am part of the Zambia Women's History Museum and so they shared my expirence on their Facebook page here.


  • Bobby
  • Amy
  • Fabian von Bubnoff
  • Alex Stinson
  • David Richfield
  • Dhani
  • Woubzena Jifar
  • Asaf Bartov
  • Katherine Maher
  • Iddy John
  • Florence Devouard
  • May Hachem
  • Ibrahim
  • James Heilman
  • Erina Muhame
  • Ananya Mondal
  • Dumisani Ndubele
  • Freddie
  • Satdeep
  • May
  • Kelly Foster
  • Rupika Sharma
  • Chaste
  • Amir Ahroni
  • Sherry
  • Sarah
  • Venkat
  • Beatrice Savadye
  • Nayantara
  • Daniel Bogre Udell
  • McKensie Mack
  • Siko Bouterse
  • Anasuya Sengupta
  • Ssebaggala Douglas

I met with Katherine Maher and we had a long chat with her i told her about my story how i have been editting on phone for 4 year sand she was so impressed when i told the format i use when writing on Simple English and the whole story in general and so she then introduced me to Alex Stinson, David.
I had a chat with David from the foundation who basiclly explained to what wikipedia is and its goes and when i told him my story he told me that my story would be prefect for the Germany podcast called Sourecode.
I met with Satdeep at the Whose Knowlage and we had a chat over a User Group in Zambia he walked me through all the process that i will need to undertake and inorder for it to be active.
I met with Woubzena Jifar and i had like three or fours chats with her she was so passionate in hleping grow the wikimedia coverage in Zambia.
I met with Daniel Bogre Udell from wikitongues who introduced me to it and i was excited about the project and i signed up to be able to help and move the organiztion ahead
I met with Dumisani Ndubele one of the members the South Afrcan chapter and so him and his team in South Afric are more than happy to help were possible for us to get wikipidea in Zambian.
  • I had chat with Alex Stinson who i explained to that Bobby and I in Zambia did the wiki gap edit-a-thon but when doing my check ups to see who is still editing onwards in since the workshop and the numbers where not so good and then he suggested to change the playing field and see where that will take me. He told me to contact him for help.
  • I met with Iddy John from Tanzania who also happed to be my roommate during the conference and he introducted me to wiki loves Africa, wiki loves monuments and wiki loves women.

Anything else


This was my first wikimania i came under the South Africa Chapter scholarships. This being my first event to atted for hosted by the wikimedia foundation i wanted to as many peopl as possible but mistly magament which a dream come true in my case and through those intractions i shared my stroy how i have been editing youing my phone for four years up to 6000+ edits and Asaf Bartovintroducted me a program that helps editors like to be given computers in order to work easily i was told to file in a request which i did but was told that there are no PCs at the moment this was because every PC that came was alreday taken just waiting to be delivered but to my suprise on the closing remakes i was called out that i will stop editting using my phone and will start to be using a chromebook then i had to meet with James Heilman who apprently was the one dontated the chromebook and we had a long chat over starting some wiki sites in some local Languages in Zambia. After the end of the wikimania ended one of the conncetions i got Fabian von Bubnoff he called me if i would to join him in Uganda for WikiGoesACCT and i happy to join him and the Uganda user group for a 3 days Conference. Some Media files of me and the connection I got during the conference can be found here.