
Event name

Wikimania 2015

Participant connections

I talked a lot with so many different people - users, researchers, other folks working on related projects - about my current project, WikiProject X. Now we have so many possible directions to take with it, it's a bit overwhelming.
Also there were librarians and teachers. Very, very useful people. Very important. Yes.



Learning Pattern: What is one useful learning pattern you can share with the Wikimedia movement?

Grants:Learning patterns/Getting enough sleep at multi-day events

New Creation: What was one useful outcome that was created at the event for the Wikimedia movement?

I put an octopus on YuviPanda's head. This escalated, since eventually it fell off and we started putting it on some other folks' heads, too. And then more folks. And more.
A couple of days later, everyone at the closing party wound up trying to dance with it on their heads, and every time it fell off, someone else would be drawn into the circle to have a try with the octopus. And thus we now have some rather strange pictures that are somewhat difficult to explain, and I don't know the copyright status of.
This was totally useful.

Anything else

I need to figure out the copyright status of the octopus pictures. I have a lot of not very good pictures of that from that party.