Grants:TPS/KuboF/JES 2014-2015

This Wikimedia Participation Support request was funded in the fiscal year 2014-15. A report is available.

JES 2014-2015
summaryLead training about Wikipedia and Wikivoyage contributing, speak about possibilities of using of wiki projects with focus for Esperanto organisations, discussions with partners about projects of WUG Esperanto kaj Libera Scio.
event locationWeißwasser, Germany
event website
event date(s)December 28 2014 - January 4 2015
amount requested80 EUR
home countrySlovakia
submitted on19:32, 23 December 2014 (UTC)

Proposed participation


I am activist of WUG Esperanto kaj Libera Scio (ELiSo) (and chapter-to-be Wikimedia Slovakia). In the event JES - Junulara E-Semajno (English: Youth E-week) I will mainly lead training about contributing to Wikipedia and Wikivoyage and I will speak about possibilities of wiki projects with focus for Esperanto organisations and individuals (like using Wikisource to preserve original Esperanto literature or using Wikivoyage to store travel information already made by organisers of various Esperanto meetings). The event will be attended also by people from World Esperanto Association (UEA) and World Esperanto Youth Organization (TEJO) - the most important roofing Esperanto organisation, with which ELiSo is working on collaborative projects about using wiki projects, so I will use the opportunity to discuss the projects face-to-face.

Goal and expected impact


My speak for this event is planned to be very practical and focused for the audience. Instead of general Wikimedia speak, I will present concrete use cases of wiki projects, addressing work-focus of attendants. This focusing will increase probability of becoming active wiki editor after presentation. Small recruiting for WUG ELiSo will occur.

During wiki editing training I will concertize the output of the speak. Depending on level of participants, I will present basic editing, wikifing, quality control, using Content translation extension or even introducing pywikibot framework.

My discussions with partner organisations should lead to successful opening of our collaborative projects. Project of UEA is about support of writing Esperanto Wikipedia, project of TEJO is about translating Esperanto related articles into national languages (similar to wm2013:Submissions/Reproducing a featured article into other languages by coordinated effort

Budget breakdown

  • Travel: 80 EUR
    • Parts of the travel will be group travel to minimize the costs.
  • Accommodation, food, program: covered by myself

Other instructions



