
Welcome back from Wikimania 2016!




Esperanto Wikipedia


Option 1: Shared Experience: What is one way you shared something from your experience with your community (either locally or globally), after the event?

I have organised an Esperanto Meetup during Wikimania and prepared the report from the Meetup. The report was send to mailinglist of the WUG Esperanto and Free Knowledge and the Esperanto Wikipedia Village Pump.

For future I plan to write a blog post for Wikimedia Slovakia, Esperanto and Free Knowledge and maybe some Esperanto magazines. Many experiences from Wikimania are to be presented during Wikimedia Slovakia coordinate meeting before WM CEE Meeting.



I was connecting mainly with people from Esperanto community (in connection to WUG Esperanto and Free Knowledge), Central and Eastern Europe (with connection to WM CEE group) and especially with Slovaks, Czechs and Poles, which are culturaly close to me and I enjoy collabouration with them (in connection to chapter-to-be Wikimedia Slovakia). Specifically important for me was meetings with membeers al AffCom to consult nowadays situation and future evolution of chapter-to-be Wikimedia Slovakia and partly of WUG Esperanto and Free Knowledge. I also helped to connect some specific people (technicians, organisers).

Anything else


Lasts months was very hard for me because I was coorganising World Congres of Esperanto 2016 and so my Wikimedia related work was strictly limited to necesary minimum. Unfortunatelly this applies also for my Wikmania related work, e.g. spreading my experiences after Wikimania. I am very happy to annouce, that the congres succesfully finished and I am returning into Wikimedia world!