
Welcome back from Wikimania 2018!


Me, receiving a T-shirt as a winner in quiz of Wikimedia Armenia, in CEE meetup.


Albanian Wikipedia, Wikidata, Commons


Option 1: Shared Experience: What is one way you shared something from your experience with your community (either locally or globally), after the event?
  • I, along with Greta and Jona created a page for Wikimania, sharing our experience with Wikipedia community of Albanian language here.



One of the best thing of the Wikimania conference is meeting again with many friends on Wikimedia community. It started from airport in Albania, where I traveled together with Jona to Istanbul, there Greta & Gikü joined us to our journey to South Africa.

  • CEE friends, where we discussed for future of our region community, next CEE meeting, and other projects communities of this region have.
  • Commons community of photographers, especially Matti Blume, we discussed for a possible wiki photographers conference
  • Vahid, with whom shared first steps of WoALUG in Education Program.
  • Amire80, as usual, we talk and talk and always fix a language bug in Tools of Wikimedia.
  • Faith - we meet at Happy hour, talked about our professional background, and our local wikis we represent. With Faith I had some great experiences on the tour we had in Cape Town, Boulders Beach, and hiking in Table Mountain, which brought us closer and made me know more about her.
  • Ursula Zage - I met her at the closing party, after that we discussed many things, but more important learning some Swahili words, speaking for traditional music and dances of Ghana and Albania.
  • Sami Mlouhi, roommate and my friend.
  • Reem, Felix, Edd Erhart, Andy Marbett, Jack Rabah, Oscar Costero, Adrei Cipu, Armineaghayan

Anything else
