
Event name


2nd Panhellenic Conference "Education at the ICT days.". Under the aegis of the Greek Ministry of Education. Webpage (circular number: 1138213/Δ2/4-9-2015)

Participant connections


During the Conference I had the chance to meet and discuss with many educators and school teachers. This was my second participation in this series of conferences and some people already knew Wikipedia and what I was doing. I had the chance to attend a talk called "Blog and Wiki" by Vasiliki Costoula.

I distributed leaflets about Wikipedia and I was wearing a "Wikipedia belongs in Education" t-shirt so many people approached me to discuss about Wikipedia.


Option 1: Shared Experience: What is one way you shared something from your experience with your community (either locally or globally), after the event?
Add a link here to a blog post or newsletter you wrote about your participation afterwards, or to a meet-up you organized to share your experience with your local community.

I participated in the Conference with two (2) submissions. One was a joint work with Konstantinos Stampoulis and the other a joint work with Konstantinos Skiadopoulos. Both submissions were in the category of e-presentations so there were available in Conference's YouTube channel.

Both submissions were published in Conference proceedings (ISBN 978-618-82301-1-8). The first submission is at pp. 2376-2383 and the second at pp. 2384-2388. The total pages proceedings is 2978 pages which shows the high impact this Conference has.

The conference was under the aegis of the Ministry of Education (circular number: 1138213/Δ2/4-9-2015).

Blog entry (in Greek): Here

Slides on Commons:

Papers on

Slides on Academia edu:

Videos with the submissions:




  • Travel (round trip airfare from Corfu to Athens): 194.67 Euros
  • Accommodation: 0 Euros
  • Registration fees: 120 Euros.
  • City Transport: 22.88 Euros
  • Total: 337.55

Amount left over


Anything else

  • A discount to the registration fees achieved thanks to my student identity card.