
Welcome back from Wikimania 2018!





Option 1: Shared Experience: What is one way you shared something from your experience with your community (either locally or globally), after the event?
I have written a blog post about my Wikimania experience on my personal blog here. And shared it on my social media accounts. And was RT from our UG social media page, and quoted by Wikimania account. Also, Jona, Lirdon( the other Albanians) and myself have created a page on Albanian Wikipedia to write about our experience in Albanian language and shared it on Wikimedia Albania Mailinglist and village pump. The page can be found here.
Option 2: Learning Pattern: What is one useful learning pattern you can share with the Wikimedia movement?
Im planning to write a pattern about my experience and my thoughts on how to write a good scholarship application, considering that this year I was one of the committee members. But im afraid I will not be able to finish it till 10 September. But whenever its ready im going to share it on all social media accounts and also here.
I wrote the pattern and you can read it hereː Already shared on social media. I hope it helps.


  • Vahid Masrour - we had a nice talk after CEE meeting on how their new User Group about Wikieducation can help our Wikieducation in Albania.
  • Erik Bolinder - a possible collaboration to translate WikiMaster into Albania.
  • Edd Erhart - I had couple of conversations about our online content specially about promoting more our work, because we are not doing enough when it comes to that. Eddie had some really nice tips to share specially about our blogposts and using more social media. After Wikimania, we open personal account for our UG in facebook and twitter and is working just as he said.
  • Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight - we talked mostly about our UG and their activities.
  • Siko Bouterse - I have previously put her in contact with people in Sarajevo about one of her projects with WhoseKnowledge and we talked about how is that going on.
  • Andy Marbett - I have met Andy in other events and never managed to have a proper talk. Finally we made it in Cape Town. And of course the main discussion was Wikidata.
  • Andrew Lih
  • Anirudh S. Bhati
  • Natt
  • Asaf Bardov
  • Matti Blume
  • Jack Rabah
  • Oscar Costero
  • Adrei Cipu
  • Birgit Müller
  • Mārtiņš Bruņenieks
  • Anirudh Bhati
  • Sami Mlouhi
  • Felix Nartey

Anything else


Some pictures I took during Wikimania.