
Welcome back from Wikimania 2014!



Your username goes here: Michaelphoya

Your home wiki goes here: : English Wikipedia, Commons Wikimedia


Option 1: Shared Experience: What is one way you shared something from your experience with your community (either locally or globally), after the event?

I enjoyed the whole of Wikimania London 2014. It was an eye opening experience especially for someone who is very new in the movement. I enjoyed the two days of Hackathon and seeing how developers work in the background.

I also immensely enjoyed all the talks I attended, the highlights including the opening and closing ceremony. Others included 'The state of metrics for Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums Projects`mainly because my passion for the movement is mainly in GLAM work.

Other talks and gatherings I enjoyed were 'Promoting Open GLAM – Exchange of Experiences and Best Practices` and The Old New Thing: Crowdsourcing the Digitization of Ben-Yehuda's Dictionary`. But these are only some of highlights I enjoyed. There was so much. Pity we had to choose only one at a time!

It was a great opportunity for me to share about the struggles we are facing in little known Malawi as we seek to establish a vibrant Wiki and open movement society. it has been hard due to several factors. It was good to share these and get some insights.

== Connections ==  

It was great to connect with other experienced Wikipedians like User:Jpbowen who shared their immense knowledge especially as regards to GLAM work.

Anything else
