
Welcome back from Wikimania 2014!




Italian Wikipedia / Wikidata


Option 3: New Creation: What was one useful outcome that was created at the event for the Wikimedia movement?
Add a link to something new that was created as a result of your participation in this event (for example, you might link to a new tool that you and your co-participants worked on at the Hackathon, or to pages created in a workshop you participated in).

Unfortunately, I cannot link anything yet, but I hope to present you in the next months some really interesting output.

A bit of context first. I've been involved on the EAGLE Mediawiki project, which is a partnership between the Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy (EAGLE) and Wikimedia Italia. The project is focused on uploading all photos of Latin and Ancient Greek inscriptions under a CC license to Wikimedia Commons, and in setting up a Wikibase platofrm (the first outside the WMF perimeter) for aggregation, annotation and collaborative editing of translation of inscriptions (here you can find the proposal for a presentation for Wikimania 2014, which unfortunately wasn't selected).

A positive outcome was the meeting with Lydia Pintscher, current manager of the Wikidata project, in order to discuss several improvements to Wikibase. The EAGLE network has also a huge amount of data about those inscriptions (location, people cited in, measures and materials...), so we're discussing the possibility of releasing those data under a CC license (possibly CC0). The Structured Data project can be one possible solution for storing directly on Wikimedia Commons those data - citing their source. So, one of the EAGLE MediaWiki coordinators, Pietro Liuzzo, and I agreed with Lydia to hold another meeting in Berlin, around mid-September 2014, to discuss how to deal with this issue, possibly giving our inputs for the development of Structured Data.



Heh, I've met tons of good people in these four years, who gave me twice the amount of good vibes to continue be in the Wikimedia movement. The ones I'm most proud of, by the way, are the awesome people from the Wikidata team, from Denny Vrandečić and Lydia Pintscher to Vogone, Bene*, Jasper Deng, and all the other Wikidata admins. It's because of Wikimania that I became involved in Wikidata and it's because of me that the Italian Wikipedia managed to be the second test project (with Hebrew Wikipedia) for the sitelinks phase a long time ago.

Anything else


Well, here's my attempt at winning the stroopwaffel competition by WM-NL... unfortunately, I didn't win. :(

Also, sorry for being this late in submitting the report!