
Welcome back from Wikimania 2014!




Event name


Wikimania 2014

Participant connections


I have met lots of people, it was really chaotic though. It is easier for me to report the project and ideas, that I have heard there. The gender gap issue was the issue for me and I believe I have been encouraged to (at least) start talking about this issue in my community.


Option 1: Shared Experience: What is one way you shared something from your experience with your community (either locally or globally), after the event?
I have shared the report with my community wmua:Вікіманія 2014
Option 2: Learning Pattern: What is one useful learning pattern you can share with the Wikimedia movement?
Grants:Learning patterns/Let the community know, Grants:Learning patterns/Birds of a feather, Grants:Learning patterns/Repeat events etc.
Option 3: New Creation: What was one useful outcome of the event for the Wikimedia movement?
Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2014 was to be organized as the result of the meeting proposed by us at Wikimania 2014: Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2014/Wikimania



Anything else


I have uploaded the photos I took there. I was able to visit additional days, which were very useful for me. I am talking about Grantmaking Learning Day (August 6th) and Boards training workshop August 2014 (August 7th). These days were very focused on the topic and thus very useful to me.