
Welcome back from Wikimania 2015! ** Bienvenue à nouveau de Wikimania 2015! ** أهلا بكم من جديد من يكيمانيا 2015!



My Username: User:dezedien

cofunder & leader Wikimedia Algeria , external link Algerian Wikimedians UG

My home wiki: arabic wikipedia


Option 1: Shared Experience: What is one way you shared something from your experience with your community (either locally or globally), after the event?

Given that I am the only one Algerian present at this great global event that is wikimania. I had to be at the rendezvous despite personal constraints Indeed, on several points worth our new Users Group wikidz newly created officially since November 2014 after discussing with the various active members of the group it has set goals to achieve during the conference:

  1. Wikipedia Zero: for a year past after wikimania London 2014 we can announce good news to our users Algerians this year thanks to the work of the WMF
  2. Wikipedia library: Since put myself reviewed a request that can help me write some articles on Arabic and French wikipedia This time I could announce to the Arab and Algerian community in addition they will be able to request access to sources for all French Arabic and English
  3. wikipedia language: We found during the developer conference and meeting them in person in order to eventually help us develop bot that will help inject Articles realized in local dialect
  4. Wiki Loves Monuments & Earth: Understanding and discussing with the international team which I joined to increase and how to use Jurytool used for the first time in the Algerian local competitions.
  5. WikiArabia Meetup: to offer the Arab members of this eventuality to discuss the possibility of forming an Arab group such as wikifranka or iberocoop.
  6. Wiki loves africa: wiki attend the presentation loves Africa participper dees for group members to future competition.
  7. Wikipedia Education Program: How réusir good collaboration between the different projects in the world and be able to inspire.

After Wikimania was very charged : we visited; WIKIDZ members, makes meetings and has authored several articles and posted on twitter and instagram and facebook and blogger uploded pictures at commons of wikimania 2015 to share in maximum

Option 2: Learning Pattern: What is one useful learning pattern you can share with the Wikimedia movement?
Add a link to a learning pattern - either a new pattern you created with insights from your participation, or an existing pattern to which you added your endorsement and some significant new "considerations" or “examples” from your experience.
Option 3: New Creation: What was one useful outcome that was created at the event for the Wikimedia movement?

I discussed with different members of WMF to the possibility of using new tools for our group such as metrics and phabricator

  • I create new account at phabricator
  • translate visual editor at sprint to algerian local dialect and arabic



I made many great connections with people at Wikimedia all over the world. My apologies to those I have not mentioned

  • Smriti Gupta WMF : Wikipedia zero
  • Benoit Ronchon  : wikifranca
  • Florence Devouard Wiki Loves Africa
  • Nat Tymkiv : Wiki loves Earth
  • Susanna Mkrtchyan  : the armenian program of education
  • Emir Aharoni : the New Translation Tool
  • Moushira Elamrawy : mobile apps
  • Team Wiki ed () : new project to star at algerian university
  • Sandra faucaunier : Wikidata
  • Osama Khaled , Ravan a J tae , Mohammed Ouda , Emna Mizouni , Walla abdelmaneem: wikimedians arabic community
  • Elie young and Walter Gomez Segura  : the arrival constraints Conference
  • Jake Orlowitz and Alex Stinson : wikipedia library
  • Naureen Nayyar : social relation
  • Nafissa abdul from uzbekistan : project in uzbekistan
  • team iranian : relationship between arabic and persian wikipedia
  • Effeietsanders : wiki loves monuments best

Anything else


I salute the excellent organization; before, during and after the wikimania the Yellow Team: WM mexico meme I found a Mexican who speaks French I greet yours has to have help me find my luggage (lost during my trip and found after 4 days) I noublie not Roman who did not pause one second I welcome the Mexican hospitality that we aceullit very well it is a very beautiful country elsewhere who loves culture and love learning

je tiens à saluer l'excellente organisation ; avant pendant et apres le wikimania l'equipe jaune : WM mexico j'ai mème trouvé une mexicaine qui parle français je tien a la saluer pour m'avoir aider a trouver mon bagage (perdu pendant mon voyage et retrouvé apres 4 jours) je noublie pas romaine qui n'a pas fait une pause une seconde je salue l'hospitalité des mexicains qui nous ont tres bien aceullit c'est un tres beau pays d'ailleurs qui aime la culture et adore apprendre