
Welcome back from Wikimania 2016!




I'm a vagabond.


Option 1: Shared Experience: What is one way you shared something from your experience with your community (either locally or globally), after the event?
  • I wrote a technical blog post on how to contribute to Mediawiki development in my current employer Wordpress (still waiting validation, I send it on demand).
  • During summer, places where we usually make wiki meetups are closed (University, multimedia library), but I should make Wikimania feedback session by September.

Option 3: New Creation: What was one useful outcome that was created at the event for the Wikimedia movement?
Began to work on a web frontend on tool lab (not yet available) for OCR4wikisource, see phabricator ticket for more information
Changed a French Wiktionary template data, following a workshop on the subject. I also plane to contribute on enumerable values support, which would be really great to improve UX for such a case.
Translated word list for ORES to Esperanto



Well, it would be rather long to mention everyone, but most remarkable meetups where about

  • Wiktionary (including Lydia Pintscher which was interested possible interaction between Wikidata and Wikitionary, that led to this page creation)
  • French Local Groups exchange of experience
  • Lot of help about hacking within Wikimedia, especially from Gergő Tisza, and 8ohit.dua (Rohit Dua)
  • People engaged in WikiMed, including Wikiversity Journal of Medicine, as I would like to launch some dedicated workshop on this topic in the coming year.

Anything else
