Grants:PEG/WM CZ/Wikimedia Czech Republic Office

Not funded
This grant submission from an group, organization, or individual in 2013-14 was not funded by the Wikimedia Foundation.
  • Prior to 2011, reasons for not funding this submission were communicated in private and may not be available on the discussion page. For more information about a particular request, please contact the grantee directly or send your questions to grants at wikimedia dot org.
  • Beginning in 2011, reasons for not funding this submission are communicated publicly on the discussion page of this submission.
  • Since this grant request was not funded, no report is required and no further action is required from the grantee.
Legal name of chapter
Wikimedia Česká republika
Grant contact name
Petr Novák
Grant contact user-name or e-mail
Grant contact title (position)
Project lead name
Miroslav Langer
Project lead user-name or e-mail
Project lead title (position), if any
deputy chairman
Full project name
Wikimedia Czech Republic Office
Amount requested (in USD)
USD 8.500 (about USD 610/CZK 12.000 monthly during 13 months for rent and running costs, USD 550/CZK 10.000 for furniture).
Provisional target start date
Provisional completion date
no date, the funds of the grants shall be used till 2010-08-31

Budget breakdown

  • Rent and running costs for 13 months: ca USD 610 * 13 = USD 7930
  • Furniture: USD 570

The amount is calculated for a commercial renting, if an agreement on non-commercial basis can be signed, the demanded amount will be reasonably lower.

Project scope


The Wikimedia Czech Republic is a starting chapter with growing activities which are currently limited by the conditions of chapter's seat. The chapter takes advantage of the support of another small non-profit organization. The differences in the goals of the organizations and the fact the Wikimedia Czech Republic is only a guest in its partner's office hampers its activities as the owner's program has priority.

To avoid slowdown of its growth, the chapter needs its own office. We ask for the financial support to fund the rent and running costs for 13 months as well as for buying the furniture.

The estimation of the cost of the project is based on the commercial data, the chapter will however try first to find a non-commercial solution of the problem, but the expenses close to the estimated amount seem necessary anyway for obtaining a suitable office (for a small commercial office or more suitable non-commercial one). If the real needed amount will be lower than the estimated one, the chapter will pay the difference back if requested.

Project goal


Through obtaining its office, the chapter activities would benefit in many different ways, especially:

  • Making the chapter's means fully accessible for its members (like books and information resources, computer and other electronic equipment).
  • Getting a free and customizable space for the chapter's meetings, workshops and other community activities.

Communities of several Wikimedia projects already asked Wikimedia Czech Republic about possibilities of using its space for their own projects (eg. for Wikiversity laboratory and others). As about 90 per cent of today's members of the chapter live in Prague or in the close surroundings, the office can be used by the majority of the chapter's members; but the office will also be a logistic centre for the planned center-to-regions services of the chapter.

Non-financial requirements


Wikimedia Czech Republic does not require any non-financial help for this project.

Fit to strategy


The Wikimedia Czech Republic's own office should have multidirectional positive effect on the chapter's activities and subsequently on the Wikimedia Foundation projects. It will allow more chapter's members to develop their activities (examples of those are introduced as other Wikimedia Czech Republic projects in this grant procedure), which should show itself in an increasing quality and/or quantity of the Wikimedia projects materials. The office will serve as a basis for any already proposed or future projects, that would be difficult to execute without it, and thus it will develop the organizational maturity and effectiveness of the chapter on a new level.

Other benefits


The ownership of its own office will help to promote image of Wikimedia Czech Republic as an established and reliable organization for contacts with prospective sponsors or other partners.

Measures of success


We will consider this project a success if the office will be frequently used by the chapter's members or Wikimedia projects contributors. Based on data in carefully administered register of the usage, the lowest amount of hours, when the office will be used for the chapter's activities, is set at 750 hours in the period of August 2009 – June 2010 to let the project be considered successful.