Grants talk:PEG/WM RS/Annual plan 2012-2013/Report/Q4

Latest comment: 11 years ago by AWang (WMF) in topic Report Accepted

Report Accepted


Thank you for submitting this clear and bilingual report. It's great to see that the 1001 Arabic Words project is expanding to more Wikimedia projects. Very impressive numbers from the writing competitions! Your interim report has been accepted and we look forward to reading your final report. AWang (WMF) (talk) 22:24, 28 January 2014 (UTC)Reply

We have a couple follow-up questions/comments below. Please note your response to these questions do not impact the status of your report as accepted, but we would appreciate a response.

  1. Professional Development: Once WM RS has obtained accrediation and begun to deliver programs, we're curious to know your assessment if providing these programs for teachers is a good investment of time and financial resources. AWang (WMF) (talk) 22:24, 28 January 2014 (UTC)Reply
    As it is likely that we will spend even less money than planned on that activity, I think it is a good investment of financial resources. As for the time, I also think that it is a useful investment, as we will ideally teach professors and teachers about Wikipedia and editing, so that they could relay that knowledge to their students and use Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects in the curriculum and as teaching aids. That seems to be a small step towards scalability. --FiliP ██ 21:08, 4 February 2014 (UTC)Reply
  2. Creative Commons: What is WM RS's strategy regarding participating in Creative Commons activities? Please let us know your thoughts around what you are trying to achieve and what you are working towards in this area. AWang (WMF) (talk) 22:24, 28 January 2014 (UTC)Reply
    As the official Creative Commons Serbia Public Project Lead (since 2006), WMRS in collaboration with Nevenka Antić (Legal Project Lead) provides the legal and IT infrastructure for the project. Our strategy includes:
    • legal and linguistic analyzing and adapting the CC legal standards
    • developing the CC Serbia website with relevant information about CC standards, copyright and copyright reform, promotional, educative and research projects and events initiated or participated by CC Serbia, and educative and research CC material
    • selecting, analyzing, translating and publishing info, promo, educative or research CC material considering the related international and national copyright legislative
    • additional assistance to adopters or potential adopters
    • initiating research or legal and promotional projects aimed at the public domain and the open CC standards adoption by national government, academic, educational and cultural institutions
    • supporting by means of promotion or directly the international and national projects and events aimed at the open CC standards adoption;
    • supporting by means of promotion or directly the international projects (EU's especially) on the public domain or copyright reform
    Our crucial activities until now includes:
    • legal and linguistic adaptation of the CC licenses (2007);
    • participating in the international process of the CC 4.0 versioning considering national law
    • creating and developing the CC Serbia website with relevant information about CC standards, copyright and copyright reform, promotional and research projects and events initiated or participated by CC Serbia, and educative and research CC material by CC Serbia
    • selecting, analyzing, translating and publishing info, promo, educative or research CC material (Serbian or Serbian-English) considering the related international and national copyright legislative (e.g. CC FAQ, CC licenses, Public Domain, Legal Background, CC News, CC Serbia Publications, [1])
    • additional assistance to adopters or potential adopters
    • initiating research or the legal and promotional projects aimed on the public domain and the open CC standards adoption by national government, academic, educational and cultural institutions (e.g. CC Serbia Events aimed at open government, open science and open culture issues ([2]) including dialog with governmental institutions “Where is Serbia in Knowledge Society?”, open science project “Wiki Loves Science” and CC Serbia series of debates “Creative Commons – Creativity and Knowledge Society” in collaboration with national institutions across the country in 2013 ([3])
    • supporting by means of promotion or directly the international and national projects and events aimed on the open CC standards adoption (e.g. actively participate in the relevant campaigns, conferences and meetings)
    • supporting the international projects (EU's especially) on the public domain or copyright reform (e.g. providing the relevant information about the public domain considering the national legislation and news about the process of copyright reform).
    We plan to continue all the activities and to increase the CC Serbia Project regarding public domain and the new version of the CC licenses adapting the CC0 legal tool and the CC licenses 4.0 with all the related material (FAQ etc.) as well as promoting these adapted CC standards in 2014. Written by Nevenka Antić, relayed by --FiliP ██ 21:08, 4 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

Thanks so much for the comprehensive information. Alex Wang (WMF) (talk) 00:43, 7 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

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