Grants talk:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/General Support Fund/Wikiesfera:Combatiendo juntas la brecha de género en Wikipedia 2024-2025


  •   Strong support Empecé a colaborar con Wikipedia en 2017. Entré en este proyecto gracias a Wikiesfera y, desde luego, no podría haber hecho mis aportaciones sin el apoyo constante de este grupo de usuarixs del que formo parte. Las reuniones periódicas son un estímulo y nos animan a creer en el trabajo colaborativo. Editatonas, encuentros como WikInvisibles, fundamental para entender el funcionamiento de Wikipedia, reuniones virtuales, sirven desde luego para crecer como grupo. Es un entorno seguro, en el que diariamente podemos solucionar las dudas, que siempre hay, en el que se aprende continuamente y sin el que, yo al menos, no concibo Wikipedia. Por ello, la financiación del proyecto es necesaria para seguir combatiendo, como se ha hecho hasta ahora, la brecha de género en Wikipedia. SalviaRomana (talk) 18:06, 19 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
    Gracias por compartir tu experiencia, @SalviaRomana. Me encanta saber cómo Wikiesfera ha tenido un impacto tan positivo en tu participación en Wikipedia. Tu testimonio refuerza la importancia de este tipo de comunidades de apoyo, particularmente en la lucha contra la brecha de género. Además sabiendo, como sabemos, que siguen faltando manos de mujeres para contribuir en este espacio libre, abierto y colaborativo que es Wikipedia. Un abrazo. #JuntasSomosMásVisibles PatriHorrillo (talk) 15:21, 24 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
  •   Strong support Conocí a Wikiesfera en 2017 en la charla Tedx de Patricia Horrillo y me quedé totalmente alucinada con el poquísimo porcentaje de biografías de mujeres y de editoras mujeres. A partir de allí participé de todas las editatonas que pude en Barcelona y en Madrid, cuando puedo viajar. Las reuniones presenciales y online son un espacio estimulante y de aprendizaje que resaltan lo mejor del trabajo colaborativo. Considero importantísima esta labor y ojalá pueda ampliarse este proyecto con financiación para acabar con la brecha de género de Wikipedia. Mariajosebcn (talk) 17:35, 23 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
    Gracias por tu apoyo @Mariajosebcn. Ojalá aquellas cifras que ofrecí en la charla TEDx de 2017 hubieran cambiado de forma radical. Sin embargo, la participación de mujeres sigue siendo muy baja y necesitamos ser muchas más contribuyendo en Wikipedia si queremos reducir la brecha de género. Espero que cada vez seamos más en esta lucha. Un abrazo. #JuntasSomosMásVisibles PatriHorrillo (talk) 15:29, 24 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
  •   Strong support I have been working with Wikiesfera for over a year now. in that short time through our Editatonas we work learning about different groups presenting them to wikipedia. It's as if we thread links of women's groups and their work throughout Spain. Wikisfera´s founder Patricia Horrillo is a good posiive and acive leader who is constantly updating us on women's groups and indivudal's work. She is also key in creating a fantastic and fun working environment. Mary Fortuny (talk) 17:52, 23 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
    Thank you so much for your kind words, @Mary Fortuny! It's heartwarming to hear about your positive experience with Wikiesfera and the important work we've been doing together. It's a pleasure to work with such a dedicated and enthusiastic group of individuals like yourself (and sharing cookies!! ;D). Let's continue weaving the stories of women's groups from all across Spain into the tapestry of knowledge on Wikipedia. Your commitment and enthusiasm are greatly appreciated! #JuntasSomosMásVisibles PatriHorrillo (talk) 15:35, 24 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
  •   Strong support Formo parte de Wikiesfera desde el año 2016. Llegué a través de una editatona y, desde entonces y gracias al apoyo del grupo de usuarixs y el liderazgo de su fundadora, Patri Horrillo, continúo no solo incluyendo y mejorando contenidos sobre mujeres en wikipedia sino enseñando a otras mujeres a convertirse en editoras. Para continuar con este efecto multiplicador, es fundamental lograr un apoyo económico estable que consolide e impulse un proyecto necesario y de un enorme impacto en nuestro pais, donde es ya una referencia. --Encina waslala (talk) 18:01, 23 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
    Muchas gracias por tu apoyo @Encina waslala. No sabes la alegría que me da pensar que, con lo que hacemos desde Wikiesfera, estamos consiguiendo autonomía en nuevas usuarias y grupos, para que cada una pueda seguir contribuyendo en Wikipedia a su ritmo. Ojalá sigamos dando pasos en esta dirección y cada vez haya más grupos de editoras construyendo sus propios espacios de edición. Un abrazo. #JuntasSomosMásVisibles PatriHorrillo (talk) 10:47, 25 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
  •   Strong support Considero que Wikiesfera es un espacio necesario para facilitar que las personas contribuyan en Wikipedia. Una actividad que, a veces, puede resultar algo hostil especialmente para las mujeres puesto que muchas de nosotras solemos dudar de nuestra legitimidad para hacerlo y, en ocasiones, tenemos dificultades con el manejo de las tecnologías. Wikiesfera es un espacio seguro en el que podemos manifestarnos libremente y contar con el apoyo del grupo y de su creadora Patricia Horrillo para contribuir a Wikipedia con perspectiva de género.--Elenaib (talk) 18:45, 23 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
    Gracias por tu compartir tu experiencia, @Elenaib. Sacas a la luz un tema que siempre me ha preocupado y que trato de visibilizar en las actividades que hacemos. ¡Qué importante es compartir con otras compañeras esas inseguridades y romperlas acompañadas! Tengo la esperanza de que, poco a poco, iremos cambiando esa forma de acercarnos a Wikipedia y solo nos quedemos con los buenos momentos :-) Un abrazo. #JuntasSomosMásVisibles PatriHorrillo (talk) 10:55, 25 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
  •   Strong support Wikiesfera es un proyecto gracias el que he podido encontrar una comunidad de apoyo para mis aportaciones y que me incita a crecer cada día más. No es sólo un proyecto que visibiliza a la mujer y fomenta nuestra inclusión en Wikipedia, fomenta la igualdad, la paz y el conocimiento de la historia, fundamentales en una sociedad como la nuestra. Anamgil (talk) 11:30, 24 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
    Muchas gracias por tus palabras @Anamgil. Me siento muy orgullosa al pensar que estamos consiguiendo un espacio tan inclusivo desde Wikiesfera. Ojalá siga habiendo muchos momentos para disfrutar juntas editando en Wikipedia. Un abrazo. #JuntasSomosMásVisibles PatriHorrillo (talk) 09:02, 27 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
  •   Strong support formo parte de Wikiesfera desde diciembre de 2019, es un proyecto que me fascinó y enganchó hasta el punto de crear un nodo de wikiesfera para Aragón, donde poder ampliar toda la misión y valores del proyecto, además de dar visibilidad y promover temas que nos interesan con una visión más plural. Wikiesfera además organiza encuentros y editatonas donde entre todo el grupo nos apoyamos y ayudamos de tal manera que así sómos una inteligencia mayor, o como me gusta decir, una inteligencia colectiva.--Arcenb 11:40, 24 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
    Muchas gracias por tu apoyo y por tu empuje @Arcenb. La idea de que pueda haber grupos distribuidos y autónomos como ha pasado con WikiAragón me pone muy contenta porque siento que ese es el camino. Creo que solo así, aprendiendo a nuestro ritmo y acompañadas por otras compañeras, haciendo nuestros los espacios, es como se consigue seguir avanzando. Un abrazo. #JuntasSomosMásVisibles PatriHorrillo (talk) 09:19, 27 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
  •   Strong support Formo parte de Wikiesfera desde noviembre de 2021. Conocí este espacio colaborativo a través de otra usuaria y ha supuesto todo un descubrimiento para mí. Supone una actividad muy estimulante a través de la creación, ampliación y traducción de artículos que de otra forma no habría sido capaz de llevar a cabo. Valoro mucho el apoyo del sólido grupo de usuarias y el constante trabajo de Patricia Horrillo en la organización de interesantes Editatonas y encuentros con ponentes de diferentes campos de interés como son, feminismo, LGBT+, Memoria histórica, arte, ciencias, etc. así como nuevas herramientas tecnológicas. Sin duda es Wikiesfera un proyecto que merece todo el apoyo financiero que haga posible su continuidad y desarrollo.— The preceding unsigned comment was added by Urval93 (talk) 14:33, 24 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
    Gracias por compartir tu experiencia, @Urval93. Es fantástico contar con compañeras como tú en el grupo y poder compartir toda la parte de aprendizaje... ¡sin olvidarnos del tercer tiempo! :-) No creo que Wikiesfera pudiera seguir existiendo si no nos lo pasáramos tan bien. Creo que la clave no solo es en lo que hacemos juntas sino en cómo lo hacemos. Y, gracias a vosotras, conseguimos algo muy guay. Un abrazo. #JuntasSomosMásVisibles PatriHorrillo (talk) 09:45, 27 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
  •   Strong support Formo parte de Wikiesfera desde 2017. Mi interés en Wikipedia venía de antes pero no sabía como contribuir ni me sentía segura para hacerlo. Tras conocer al grupo y empezar a asistir a las reuniones semanales y a editatonas y otros eventos que se realizan, mi interés se ha multiplicado y no dejo de aprender sobre edición, traducción, etc así como de los otros proyectos que forman parte del universo Wikimedia. Considero muy importante la existencia de estos grupos de trabajo para que cada vez más mujeres se acerquen a editar. Es un espacio seguro que nos aporta confianza. Es importante conseguir este apoyo económico para que el proyecto continúe creciendo. --Pintakuda (talk) 15:05, 24 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
    Muchas gracias por tu apoyo @Pintakuda. Espero que sigamos construyendo juntas Wikiesfera y consigamos impulsar nuevos grupos para que más mujeres se sumen a este espacio seguro y colectivo. Y que perdamos del todo el miedo a contribuir en un lugar como Wikipedia, donde todas somos necesarias. Un abrazo. #JuntasSomosMásVisibles PatriHorrillo (talk) 11:31, 27 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
  •   Strong support Empecé a editar en la Wikipedia en febrero de 2023 a partir de una editatona organizada por Wikiesfera. La experiencia fue maravillosa y decidí continuar editando con las compañeras de Wikiesfera en las reuniones virtuales y en todas las editatonas virtuales que se organizan. Este grupo es fundamental para reducir la brecha de género que existe en la Wikipedia y para dar visibilidad a mujeres y a temas relacionados con las mujeres además de darle perspectiva de género a cualquier artículo dentro de la Wikipedia para conseguir una Wikipedia más inclusiva y diversa. Para todo este trabajo vital, es importante que Wikiesfera tenga respaldo económico con el objetivo de seguir editando con perspectiva de género. Sacebro (talk) 18:05, 25 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
    Gracias por compartir tu experiencia @Sacebro. El espacio virtual que, antes de la pandemia, nunca me planteé construir, ha sido un importante avance para Wikiesfera. Creo que pese a lo difícil que puede parecer, poco a poco hemos conseguido trasladar la calidez de los encuentros presenciales a las salas de Zoom (¡aunque nos falta el tercer tiempo! ;-)). Poder contar con nuevas editoras que no están en Madrid o no pueden venir a los encuentros presenciales es importantísimo para seguir creciendo y construyendo una comunidad sana y diversa. Es un lujo contar contigo. Un abrazo. #JuntasSomosMásVisibles PatriHorrillo (talk) 11:37, 27 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

Feedback from the Northern and Western Europe (NWE) Regional Funds Committee on your proposal


Dear Wikiesfera team,

Thank you very much for your proposal, describing your activities and projects in support of the Wikimedia projects and the Wikimedia movement. The NWE Regional Committee has initially reviewed the proposal, and wishes to offer some initial feedback and questions for your review.

  • This is a clear proposal which foregrounds community engagement and wellbeing, supporting the Movement Strategy aims in relation to equity, diversity and inclusion
  • The Wise Women's Council is a strong equity building concept, and reviewers welcomes the intention to create a diverse council inclusive of women from across the movement. Building community safely is important work, which has the potential to support and deliver knowledge equity and inclusion, particularly in relation to editors and on-Wiki content.
  • The proposal outlines achievable organisational development for the two year period of the proposal, and relays an honest look at organisational capacity . Similarly, the evaluation matrix is good - realistic but optimistic.
  • The proposal focuses on learning from others through partnerships, and the panelists recognise that these lessons could make a valuable contribution to the movement as a whole.

While elaborating on your proposed plans, the committee members suggested for you to consider:

  • You may want to consider an inclusivity policy which guides the inclusion practices of the proposed Council across regions of Spain and gender diversity. The reviewers are interested in how WikiEsfera will ensure their activities facilitate diverse engagement.
  • While mentioned in the organization’s goals, working with minority languages (e.g. Basque, Asturian, Aragonese, etc.) were not addressed specifically among the activities, and the committee would like to understand how these are considered.
  • While the Year 1/2 priorities of strengthening the organizational capacity of WikiEsfera are clear, it is not clear how this work will enable the group to meet content targets without metrics related to inviting and recruiting newcomers.
  • The reviewers believe that on-Wiki targets would compliment and support the proposed development goals during the two-year development process, and would encourage WikiEsfera to meet or exceed a commitment to 400 articles, 30 Commons contributions and 100 Wikidata contributions. This level of contribution would help WikiEsfera powerfully scale its contribution and impact.
  • The panel would very much like to see the impact of WikiEsfera activities increased through engagement with the broader on-Wiki community for impact among gender diverse contributors.
  • Given the organization's fund-raising ambitions, the reviewers believe that the organization will benefit from ensuring it has a strong governance model and processes. Most funders will require evidence of governance structure and stability.
  • The reviewers were surprised not to hear more about Wikiesfera’s relationship to and possible partnerships with other Wikimedia organizations in Spain, in order to collectively increase impact and to make the most of available resources.

It would be supportive of the Committee’s understanding of your plans if you’d be so kind as to elaborate on our following specific few questions:

  • Please provide further detail on your target metrics and plans for meeting these for the two-year period, particularly in relation to ensuring diversity; recruiting new editors; and on-Wiki contributions. The panel understand that fostering community and wellbeing is critical in relation to diversifying the Wikimedia communities, and would like to better understand how your vision for community development will be structured around activities and outputs (and their subsequent impact).
  • Please provide assurance that the proposed media expert will be recruited in line with procurement rules.
  • Please comment on how you will evaluate the success of your activities over the next two years (including with which metrics) and how you plan to disseminate your successes and lessons learned to the Open Knowledge community.

Please note, that due to restrictions on our ability to adjust our overall General Support Fund budget for this round, it may not be possible to fully fund this proposal. However, we do want to understand what impact a partial funding decision would have on your related activities or operations? (I.e. an amount between your last awarded amount and this year's request).

In terms of the schedule for our review process, please complete your review and responses to committee feedback by November 14th, 2023. After this time, the Regional Committee will begin a final review of the proposal to make a formal decision. Thanks again for your work on the proposal and supporting our review.

On behalf of the Committee, Trond and Josie ABruszik-WMF (talk) 11:08, 9 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

Dear Committee,
Thanks for your feedback. We will now answer your comments in order:
  • “You may want to consider an inclusivity policy”: The entire ethos of our group revolves around preventing discrimination, eliminating bias, ensuring safe and inclusive spaces, and providing mentorship training. We have made great strides in a governance model that is aligned with our values, which is why we have for instance created a Friendly Space Policy tailored to our context and activities and why we have designed and set up the Wise Women Council (we accept this translation) to ensure accountability, fairness and integrity in how the group is managed. An upcoming goal is to document how the Council works, and we have been speaking with several feminist groups to learn from their experiences. We want to encourage horizontal (and not just vertical) approaches to integrating gender-responsive measures in our policy and program efforts. This is something that may take some time, but it is definitely something we believe in.
  • “How are minority languages considered”: As per our report, we do work with co-official and minority languages from Spain. This year (2023) we celebrated the Wikimedia + Gendergap Research Meetup, in which you can observe how we brought together researchers working on up to nine different language Wikipedias (including the ones you mentioned, Euskera and Catalan, plus others). Our approach to languages is evidently going to be mediated by gender, as in we care about the gendergap regardless of language, and so our work is going to reflect this within the obvious constraints of the size of our group and our available resources. We will likely be aiming for strategic approaches, but that does not preclude us doing eg translation marathons, for instance.
  • “Metrics related to inviting and recruiting newcomers”: We are not sure we understand this comment, since we have included metrics regarding the number of events, both in person and online, that we aim to do. We are developing a strong media presence to reach new audiences, which is why we are requesting resources to contract the services of a media expert. Between that and the partnerships we have ongoing, we believe we can be successful in obtaining the newcomer metrics we have proposed. Are there any other metrics you would suggest?
  • “Meet or exceed a commitment of […] contributions”: We have proposed bigger metrics than this (500 articles, for instance), is there some misunderstanding here? We are committing to fulfilling our metrics as long as we have the resources to do so.
  • “The panel would very much like to see the impact of WikiEsfera activities increased through engagement with the broader on-Wiki community”: So would we, which is why we are requesting a specific budget so we can be present in the big Wikimedia events and we can share our learnings and of course learn from others. We have identified this type of engagement as a priority for us, which is why you see it mentioned in the proposal more than once. It is important for us to be able to consistently travel to events such as Wikimania or WikiWomenCamp, to put some big examples, so we can engage with the broader community.
  • “The organization will benefit from ensuring it has a strong governance model and processes”: Yes, this is to be expected. We do have a very strong track record being in compliance with Wikimedia requirements, including reporting processes, so it is something we are integrating into our developing model. We have already successfully received a small grant from the Spanish Government, and we keep working to develop more relationships with potential funders. The reality is that we only have one person working part time, and this is the kind of thing that does require (wo)manpower to be able to prepare proposals, submit them, follow up, and comply with the requirements and reporting, not to mention the time availability needed to shepherd the entire thing. But yes, as we (hopefully) get more funders, our infrastructure will grow, and so will our governance model and processes. We can’t build and put in place a fundraising department with multiple policies and processes just yet.
  • “The reviewers were surprised not to hear more about Wikiesfera’s relationship to and possible partnerships with other Wikimedia organizations in Spain”: As we mentioned above, we celebrated the first Wikimedia + Gendergap Research Meetup together with Women and Wikipedia from Catalonia. This event was attended by Wikimedians from Wikidonne, Wiki Editoras Lx, Amical, Wikimujeres, Wikiproyecto LGBT or Cuarto Propio, to mention a few. It is however important for us to reiterate that we are not a regional-oriented group, but a thematic one: this is why we have established as goals in our proposal to work with groups that have similar core work and mission as us, such as Muj(lh)eres Latinoamericanas or Ennegreciendo Wikipedia, to mention two examples where talks for collaboration have already started. This does not preclude us working with other groups, as you can see, but we are not trying to tick off boxes of collaboration here: we have very limited resources and we are keen on building and developing a network of Wikimedia groups that are similar to us in size, scope and vision. Once we are bigger we can enlarge this scenario, but we believe it is fairly reasonable to seek out collaborations within our means.
  • “Please provide further detail on your target metrics and plans for meeting these for the two-year period, particularly in relation to ensuring diversity; recruiting new editors; and on-Wiki contributions”: Certainly. As a reminder, per year:
Participants, editors, and organizers
Metrics name Target Description
Number of all participants 400 An increase over last year
Number of all editors 110 Other additional metrics:
  • Online participants: 125
  • In-person participants (library): 250
Number of new editors 40
Number of retained editors 20
Number of all organizers 6
Number of new organizers 1
Contributions to Wikimedia projects related to the gendergap
Wikimedia project Created Edited or improved
Wikipedia 500 1000
Wikimedia Commons 100 30
Wikidata 50 100
Other Metrics Description Target
In-person events In-person editathonas 10
Virtual events Virtual editathonas 2
% women Percentage of women who attend our events 90
Media presence Presence in media related to Wikiesfera 20
Social Media Number of followers in our social media (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, X) 1500
These numbers are all increases over what we achieved last year, which is why we believe they are realistic and attainable. We intend to follow a similar approach as we did then: we use the big themed events, which may be related to a special day or not (eg Women Scientists Day), we invite a woman expert related to the theme of the event to discuss the context or situation, and then we edit the content following a working system that we believe is more attractive to women. After the big events, we encourage women to join our periodic meetings. In those meetings is where the long term learning and community building take place. We are very aware not everyone can participate in in-person events or meetings, which is why we also offer virtual events and virtual periodic meetings. Our reasoning is as follows: as good as our media presence is, if we can expertly target it to new audiences, we can actually increase our current base and attract newcomers. The number of events and meetings is important because they can also do this and also provide the space for reaching the content metrics. They also serve as places for community building, particularly the meetings, in order to retain participants. With our main focus being women, we have iterated a lot to see which type of events and outreach is more successful, and we believe we have a very good system in place in order to achieve all the proposed metrics.
  • “Please provide assurance that the proposed media expert will be recruited in line with procurement rules”: We cannot stress enough how important we have found it to be to have a strong media presence. We aim to contract the services of a media expert so we can have strong media repercussion and attempt to entice new audiences to join our events and get interested in editing. We have made a very modest request in terms of hours, so our goal would be to find someone who can best fit what we are looking for, with the understanding that for them this will be one more project amongst others they will be managing (we are in no position to demand exclusivity). We will evidently be complying with Spanish law and requirements when we do this.
  • “Evaluate and disseminate success”: Every time we do an event we document it in a post (crónica). Every. Single. Time. Last October, we had up to five events that were duly chronicled, and then sent out (along other information) in our monthly newsletter to our ~1,000 suscribers. We do wish to have a consistent presence in international Wikimedia events so we can further communicate our successes and learnings (for example, nobody from Wikiesfera was present at WikiWomenCamp in India, but we sent a presentation to share what we do). We also write our annual reports in both English and Spanish and use our social media to spread awareness of what we do and what we have accomplished. How do we evaluate success, on the other hand, is a bit of a grander question. Our endgame is to reduce the gendergap in both participation and content, and to do so in a sustainable way that allows us to build a strong, diverse and happy community. We want our community to enjoy participating, to know they are supported, we want to help them thrive. We put such a strong emphasis in community building because this is something the Wikimedia Movement has historically done terribly with women. We now have a large community of women editors and we believe it is thanks to having consistently understood what our priorities are. This may be a bit of a roundabout way to say that, while we believe the metrics we have provided are attainable and reasonable, we would for instance not try to burn our community trying to achieve them. Yes, bridging the content gap is extremely important and we will work hard on that, but for us bridging the participation gap is the top - and groundbreaking - priority because we believe that that will help with everything else. So, on a more concrete level, we are going to be focusing more in the events and participation metrics, but we wish to be clear that that does not mean we will not work on the content related metrics.
  • “We do want to understand what impact a partial funding decision would have on your related activities or operations? (I.e. an amount between your last awarded amount and this year's request)”: It would depend on the final amount, but as we stated on the proposal, we have serious sustainability concerns. The activities are completely dependant on our operational ability. It was not enough last year, and had to be compensated by volunteer hours. Furthermore, having everything depend on just one person is something we want to avoid. We are trying to mitigate potential issues by documenting processes very well so that the knowledge is transferable, but we urgently need some redundancy. Burnout is a pressing concern, as is the groups’ ability to seek out and take on new opportunities. We need more than one person, but the absolute minimum is 1 FT and at least another person for 10h/week. We beseech you to consider our performance last year and support us in our important work.
Please let us know if we need to expand or clarify anything. Thanks, PatriHorrillo (talk) 19:30, 9 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

Round 1 - 2024 decision


Congratulations! The Northern and Western Europe Regional Funds Committee has recommended your proposal for funding!

The Wikimedia Foundation has approved the committee's recommendation to partially fund your proposal for 70,000.00 EUR for the implementation period of 1st January 2024 - 31st December 2024.

Comments regarding this decision:
The decision above took into account the current NWE regional budget for the year.

The committee appreciates Wikiesfera’s work in building community safely, your clear focus on reducing the gender gap on Spanish Wikipedia, and innovations in participatory government structure with a focus on gender diverse representation. We thank you for your willingness to share with the wider community your editatonas methodology, and the learning from (and the process of) setting up the Wise Women's Council as a wonderful, equity building concept and feminist praxis. We value that the organization has also made several important steps towards organizational stability and structure, improving internal processes, documentation and administration to be able to embark on the journey of self-sufficiency. We recommend for your team to reach more on-wiki presence (e.g. Spanish Wikipedia village pump, surveys) for more visibility in the movement.

Understanding that the decision of not approving this application as a multi-year proposal is disappointing, the committee offered the lightweight review next year of this current proposal as a renewal application for FY2025.

Thank you for your contributions, and we wish you good luck with your activities in 2024!

Next steps:

  1. You will be contacted to sign a grant agreement.
  2. If you have questions, you can contact the Regional Program Officer for the Northern and Western Europe Region.

Posted on behalf of the Northern and Western Europe (NWE) Funding Committee, –ABruszik-WMF (talk) 06:43, 29 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

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