Grants talk:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Rapid Fund/「日本語版ウィキ利用者グループ」設立のための初期準備 (ID: 22108889)

Windowsパソコン (Item 20)


KH coderのためにWindowsパソコンを買う予定のようですが、KH coderは を利用すればMacで利用できるようです。この料金は3980円で、パソコンを買うよりはるかに安いです。これで代用できませんか。 --whym (talk) 12:50, 31 March 2023 (UTC)Reply

これを私は、10.6〜10.13.すなわちmacOS High Sierra (10.13)のことだと勘違いし、自機がMonterey(12)のため、無理なのだと思っていました。Mac用の有償サポートにメールにて確認の後、再考いたします。ありがとうございました。 Kizhiya (talk) 16:03, 4 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

翻訳費用 (Item 20)


翻訳費用が40時間分、8万4000円計上されていますが、これは時間や時給を単価とするより、字数(または単語数)を単価として計上した方がいいと思います。そうすれば、ニュースレター何件分くらいになるかが明確です。参考までに[1]を挙げておきます。 --whym (talk) 12:54, 31 March 2023 (UTC)Reply

また、時給に関しては、翻訳以外のスタッフ費用なども、はじめは東京都の最低時給プラス120円ほどに設定していたのですが、プログラム指導者から「途中で息切れしないように」時給をあげるように指導され、とりあえずこの金額にいたしました。ご指摘に感謝いたします。 Kizhiya (talk) 16:40, 4 April 2023 (UTC)Reply
上記のリンク先には「このJTF版めやすについては、翻訳だけではなく編集やDTP、対訳用語集作成など付帯業務すべてを含めた価格だという見方もあります」と書かれています。同じではありませんが、付帯業務という点では似たようなものではないでしょうか。今回は、もっとずっと翻訳以外の部分が大きいということでしょうか。そうだとすると、「翻訳費用」と呼ぶのは変なような気がします。 whym (talk) 12:41, 9 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

テキストマイニング (Item 15, Item 16)


テキストマイニングの際の目的や仮説(テキストマイニングを通じて何を知ろうとしているのか)が "15. What do you hope to learn from your work in this fund proposal?" や "16. Based on these learning questions, what is the information or data..." に書かれるのかなと思いましたが、書かれていないようです。データを見ながら考えるという探索的なデータマイニングもあっていいかもしれませんが、ある程度具体的なテーマ(たとえば「初心者の困り事の傾向を調べ、体系化する」くらいの粒度)は決めておいたほうがいいのではないでしょうか。 whym (talk) 12:56, 9 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

ご指摘に感謝いたします。今回のRapid Fundはもうほぼ意見を入れて変更する時間がないため、次の一般助成金申請に反映させていただきたく考えております。一般助成金の申請用紙
項目「翻訳費用」へのご指摘もありがとうございます。どうぞ今後ともご指導のほどよろしくお願い申しあげます。 Kizhiya (talk) 19:31, 12 April 2023 (UTC)Reply
> Kizhiyaで呼びかけてくださると助かります
最近の機能追加で、トークページの購読機能を使うと新しい話題が作られたときの通知を受け取れるようになったと思いますが、いかがでしょうか。ベータ版機能通知設定を変える必要があるかもしれません。 whym (talk) 13:05, 13 April 2023 (UTC)Reply
購読の方法がわかりました。いつもありがとうございます。 Kizhiya (talk) 15:56, 13 April 2023 (UTC)Reply
2カ月後の時点で、テキストマイニングに関してどこまでの進捗があると見込まれますか?説明書や関連書籍を読んで理解するところまでなのか、試しに小さなデータに対する分析をしてみるところまでなのか、ウィキペディア日本語版の井戸端のある程度本格的な分析するところまでなのか、ウィキペディア日本語版の井戸端と姉妹プロジェクト(ウィクショナリーなど)の該当ページの本格的な分析をするところまでなのか、など。限定的な量のテキストで試すなら、どの程度の量でしょうか(井戸端の過去ログ数件、数日分、1カ月分、1年分、10年分など)。見込み通りに進むかどうか分からないとは思いますが、一応の見通しを明らかにしておき、あとでその見通しと実際の結果を比較できるようにしておくのは重要だと思います。 whym (talk) 11:43, 20 April 2023 (UTC)Reply
ご存じのように私たちは一般助成金にも申請しています。テキストマイニングに関しては、現在の大きな目標は、その一般助成金の会計年度の終わる2024年6月までにどの程度分析し、知見を得られるかということです。この申請書のrapid fundの期間は、実際に分析まで踏み込めるかより、テキストマイニングについて専門書を読み(現在は簡単な入門書の段階です)、分析の前段階である、「テキストクレンジング」といった下準備に取りかかるあたりを目標にしています。


もしよろしければ、お時間のある時に、一般助成金のほうもご高覧いただければ幸いです。感謝を込めまして。 Kizhiya (talk) 19:43, 20 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Criteria for Rapid Funds


Hello @Kizhiya, I see clarity, impact potential, and strategic alignment are clear on this page. I'd like to confirm that this application compensates for problems of insufficient individual/organizational capacity and community engagement of the Community Fund application, which will be a big step for the jawp to be a real part of the Movement. Regards, YShibata (talk) 10:17, 14 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hello, @YShibata,Thank you for your questions.
I have announced the create of this User Group at the beginning of this year. In April, the number of people who want to join the Group is increasing little by little.
How to increase User Group participation.
  • For those who are planning to participate
    • Applicants must decide if this group is the right organization for them. As a material for that, I acquired a domain at my own expense. And I am also in the process of creating a closed official website. At the website, We will write our mission, timeline, basic principles, what not to do, and our contribution to the Wikipedia Movement.
  • Announce
    • In the next term, we are planning to do a large-scale survey. We hope that many participants will know that there is a plan to establish our "User Group".
  • Reaching out for individual users
How to improve individual and group performance
  • First. "Dealing With Shyness and Anxiety"
    • In jawikis, there are situations where I suspect someone will complain if I do something new.
    • Eliminating this anxiety is a prerequisite for each individual to demonstrate their abilities.
  • We aim to overcome the “shyness” and “anxiety” unique to East Asia and Southeast Asia and raise our voices. (This literally means intervening in discussions.For example, if a newcomers' remarks are likely to be truncated by a veteran user simply because they are new. ……Of course I am shy, introverted and full of anxiety. )
  • By doing so, we believe that it will be easier for those who follow us to raise their voices.
Thank you very much.Regards, Kizhiya (talk) 16:25, 14 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Context Setting and Follow-up Questions


Hello @Kizhiya,

Thank you for putting in a rapid fund grant application. We connected on a few occasions discussion your grant applications on email and over calls.

We noted that your rapid fund application is planned for 2 months from May to June 2023 and the General Support Fund application is planned for 12 months from July 2023 to June 2024. Reading the rapid fund application on its own, it's may be challenging for readers to understand what you require the fund for and what you plan to deliver. Hence, I am also attaching the relevant links for General Support Fund application that would provide more context to this rapid fund grant application.

Context Setting

Follow-up Questions on your Rapid Fund Grant

  • During the term of the rapid fund, I understand you plan to do the following:
    • Activity report after every two months or so
    • Plan and design interview content for the qualitative research
    • Produce a draft of the interview format and content based on your readings
    • Identify and test out a preferred way to communicate updates to the Japanese community (e.g. newsletter)

1) Would the above be correct? Please feel free to add and elaborate on additional items or tasks you will work on but were not captured above.

2) At the end of your rapid fund grant, and in your learning report that you submit one month after your grant ends, you will be able to include the following content -> activity report, draft of interview format and content, sample newsletter/blog etc. In addition, you will also be able to document your progress in some ways online. This could be a project page on meta, blog etc. Would that be correct?

3) In your budget sheet, could you provide more details related to personnel related cost? For example, how do you assess the unit cost, who will be paid and specifically what task will be completed for the paid work? You also requested for learning and evaluation budget in general support funds budget for materials and book costs to cover the topic of learning and evaluation; prepare enough copies so that users can take home and read. How does it differ from what you have budgeted for rapid fund budget?

4) If you were to do a risk assessment of your project, what are the areas that you are most concerned about and how do you plan to mitigate these risks? What type of additional support (beyond grant funding) do you foresee requiring?

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.

Regards, Jacqueline JChen (WMF) (talk) 08:49, 5 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

@JChen (WMF), since your sincere advice, we made this decision:
almost budget will be spent to construct our user group.
It means to figure out the roles you have mentioned, and others.
I ll add sentences here within 12 hours. YShibata (talk) 02:18, 7 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
@JChen (WMF),
Wikimedians of Japan User Group meta-page English & Wikimedians of Japan User Group日本語ウィキ利用者グループ(仮) - Meta:
In the page we showed the roles "we need you":
graphic designer
website creator/keeper
communicators with other future user groups
communicators with mass media
2 communicators with WMF @Kizhiya, @YShibata
coordinators for outreach related users
coordinators for GLAM related users
coordinators for events related users
project coordinators
communicator with an accountant with the governmental certification
communicator with 2 kinds of lawyer (a court lawyer and an administrative limited lawyer respectively with the governmental certification)
communicator with a social insurance labor attorney with the governmental certification
Workers can be:
youth with handicap (at hospital/home)
at home moms/dads with high level abilities
The working style will be various, considering:
Fixed 2-3 hours per day
Free time 5-10 per week
Ful time as in the Japanese laws
This group plans to be an NPO, then a Tokyo-certified NPO. The main reason is to have a bank account. YShibata (talk) 13:50, 7 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

–––– Hello @JChen (WMF) , Thank you for your follow-up questions.

Our strategies on the General Fund application



3. Describe your main approaches or strategies to achieve these changes and why you think they will be effective. 3000 character limit. Required.

(our answers)

1. The larger picture for our strategy
Create a "wikimedia Japanese user group".

However, we need not to rush and establish it hastely. By 2024, we will prepare for establishment. Our strategy

  1. Support newcomers from a different route than those who dislike change.
  2. Further examine and research to identify the issue.
  3. Establish routes to convey announcements issued by WMF and non-jawp projects (Carry out surveys for that purpose.)
  4. Clarify the social position of Japanese Wikis in Japan at large. To that end, we aim to create a user group, become an WMF affiliate, so that we will register as an official NGO with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. It can be reasoned that a citizen’s group of our size could be blamed as irresponsible for not having a responsible representative. At the same time, that User Group will function as an issuer of identity forms/documents when a user works with external entities or public relations works. (WMF can authorize our User Group so that we will be able to prepare members of ja wikis IDs such as business cards, membership cards, e-mail addresses and so forth.)
  5. Oursource advisory Lawyer ​(s)​

[ General Support Fund Application (English)]

1)Your understanding is correct. However, I would like to explain in more detail, including the items which have added.
A) I(Kizhiya) have three surveys scheduled. Kizhiya is in charge of these.
1. Request a relatively large-scale qualitative survey "about 200 people" by survey company. This survey will be done on later half of 2023(General fund period). In this survey, I will not ask if our group exists or not. I would like to ask a question for community users. This is about personnel costs. About whether it is necessary to reward the administrators.
2. Installing text mining software. Learning how to do text mining and how to use software more. I plan to prepare these during the Rapid fund period. The actual text mining (the logs at the Village Pump)will be done during the general grant period. To do→Changes in consultation of newcomers at VP and so on.
3. Preparation for qualitative interviews and surveys.
Learning how to ask questions from books and thinking about questions more.It will be done during the Rapid Fund period.If I can, Looking for the target people for the Interview.(Younger /female/disabled/or never show up at the village pump/such users of our community, and future volunteers at some universities)
And I will do the Qualitative interviews in the General Fund period.
B) Identify and test preferred methods of providing information to the Japanese communities.

(e.g. Newsletter)

Syunsyunminmin is in charge of this work. He/she often translates Meta and participates in various non-Japanese wiki projects. In the Japanese version of the wiki-projects, informations such as events from the foreign language version is casually thrown into the header banners. And the Japanese ignore those. It is because foreign users do not know the interests of Japanese users.
A Japanese user like Syunsyunminmin, who is familiar with information on foreign wikis and projects, select what is important to us from a large amount of information from foreign countries. And to send it in a way that Ja people can easily read it. It is meaningful for us and Wikimedia Movement.
A survey of about 30 people that we have already conducted has shown that e-mail magazines or newsletters seem to be a good medium.
For now, We are going to try it from the email magazine.
The basis for these works needs to be made during the rapid fund period. Because Syunsyunminmin will be very busy during the general fund period and will be leaving the staff of the user group. He/she sometimes participates as advisor. This is one of the main reasons I applyd for the rapid fund.We want him/her to make email magazin-system and format.
C) Finding reliable (a) lawyer(s), accountants, and judicial scriveners. Also, asking them for advice when the group becomes an NPO corporation which certified by Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
YShibata is in charge of this. This work requires enough time.In Tokyo, it takes maybe 5 months to half a year after applying to be officially recognized as an NPO. When we become a non-profit corporation, we can have a bank account that members can share and check each other.
2) Yes. I think that method is good. We are currently in the process of creating a usergroup page on Meta.
On that meta page, We will describe the group's policies and progress. That are the place to report to you.
At the same time, we plan to make it a landing page for jawikis users who might join our group. We also allow them to sign up there for our mailing list and our email magazine.And We can recruit new staffs.
3) Regarding personnel related cost.
Please check at the comments I made on the budget sheet.
Most are paid on an hourly basis. Worked hours will be calculated by self-calculating.
Kizhiya will distribute them salaries and expenses from the bank account for grants. But I want to open a bank account that we can check each other as soon as possible.
Below is an explanation of the difference in how rapid and general materials are used.
In order to avoid "troubles between participants", we decided on a person in charge for each major area. For example, I am currently planning to learn about researches. I also need to learn how to use some softwares. Perhaps I will be able to little understand by reading one time, so I need to put on the book next to my computer and read it over and over again.
Other staffs are need books and materials just like me.And we have to get another knowledge.For the rapid fund, I especially need books for quantitative research, how to use Google Workspace. Reference books on design for Syunsyunminmin, and books on administrative scriveners and NPO corporations for YShibata.
In addition, if the staff conducts web research of 100 pages or more, we will convert it to 1200 yen per 100 pages and pay the staff from the material fee. (minimum hourly wage in Tokyo = 1072 yen) Also, if we find lawyers, judicial scriveners, or accountants during the rapid fund period, we will pay them out of the material costs and reserve costs.
In the general funding period, I will require different types of books for qualitative research. This includes psychological safety reference books, books on how to ask questions, and more. I will read books on organization theory, the difference between good and bad communities, and how to organize groups. USSR-slav needs books on how to use Discord effectively. In our country, you can find a lot of information on the Internet, but books are often more detailed.
In addition, books on various troubles of non-profit organizations, organizational theory, neurodiversity, collective inpact, report writing, etc.
In addition, if the staff conducts web research of 100 pages or more, we will convert it to 1200 yen per 100 pages and pay the staff from the material fee. (minimum hourly wage in Tokyo = 1072 yen)
4) I think the biggest risk is the reduction of staff.
Perhaps the current core members can do some of the work of other member in charge. I will ask other members "Please keep records and schedules in your area of responsibility for others to refer to." Also, to increase the staff, I will try to talk to users who are active in the meta etc. . I will also look at freelance introduction sites that I can ask for in case of emergency.
Thank you very much.
Regards, Kizhiya (talk) 04:51, 6 May 2023 (UTC)--Kizhiya (talk) 06:17, 6 May 2023 (UTC)updated --Kizhiya (talk) 16:43, 7 May 2023 (UTC)updated --Kizhiya (talk) 16:50, 7 May 2023 (UTC)updatedReply

--Kizhiya (talk) 01:02, 8 May 2023 (UTC)last updated.Reply


What will USSR-slav do using Discord? Is that part of the grant plan here? I think it was never mentioned before. I see "10,000 or 20,000 JPY per month, user: USSR-slav, as moderator of Discord jawikis-Server" in the budget, but is there any planned activity like an online editathon in the coming months? whym (talk) 07:00, 6 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
Hello @whym
Thank you for your question.
Could you please look at Our strategies on General Fund Application? Rewards and support for Discord and moderator USSR-slav fall under the #Strategy 1.
Discord is a friendly place for younger users.
USSR-slav personally contacted me and let me know that he/she wanted to create a server for Discord's jawp and to help set up our user group. USSR-slav is an experienced editor (since 2016) and young. Young users of jawp are often very shy. Therefore, I have been thinking that there is a need for UCoC-compliant frankly jawp rules and community spaces for young users.
Editathons are important, but it is also important to create a place where young users can freely discuss editing methods, future of wiki communitirs,and so on. At first, we were afraid that Discord server would become a lawless land, but the USSR-slav made the rules. It is the moderator's job to enforce the rules. So we pay him/her rewards. Sometimes it can be difficult. At that time, we will also cooperate in maintaining order.Thank you very much.--Kizhiya (talk) 05:24, 7 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
Do you mean "​​Support newcomers from a different route than those who dislike change" by Strategy 1? Is that all, or was there anything more specific in the plan regarding Discord? I fail to see the word "Discord" mentioned at least in the wiki page corresponding to this talk page. It sounds like you and JChen (WMF) talk about it in more detail privately. Can you revise the publicly visible plan to include those detail, for the sake of transparency? I hope JChen (WMF) will allow you to make such changes, as long as they are about things you and JChen already discussed privately. If Fluxx doesn't allow that now, I believe you can just write here instead. Ultimately, I just want to see something a bit more concrete written (publicly) about it. Regarding interviews, it sounds like you will produce drafts of interview format and content. What do you promise to produce regarding Discord at the end of this Rapid Grant? --whym (talk) 03:53, 11 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
(「ボランティアで良い」とはじめに言ったのは、他のスタッフの方も同じです) Kizhiya (talk) 09:54, 11 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
報告書のどの部分でこれに関連する実費・活動内容・成果を見ることができますか?若年層("I have been thinking that there is a need for UCoC-compliant frankly jawp rules and community spaces for young users.")を対象として何かをしたり計画したりしたのではないかと想像しています。 --whym (talk) 11:14, 31 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
質問ありがとうございます。このRapid Fund期間(2023年5月から6月)は続くGeneral Fund期間(2023年7月1日から6月30日)への準備だということをご理解いただければ幸いです。Rapid Fund期間は、正直なところ、ユーザーグループの枠組み作りと調査への準備だけで精一杯でした。来年1月に中間報告がありますので、そのときDiscord についてもご報告いたします。また、インタビューなどの調査はスタートしています。 Kizhiya (talk) 09:17, 4 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
この時点では、Discordに関して予定されていた出費("10,000 or 20,000 JPY per month, user: USSR-slav, as moderator of Discord jawikis-Server")も結果的に0だった、その部分は遅らせることにした、ということですか?活動がまだなかったなら、出費もなかったのではないかと思います。 whym (talk) 10:09, 6 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

Your grant application has been approved


Hello @Kizhiya,

Congratulations, your grant application has been approved.

Thank you for taking time to respond to the questions.

Let's continue to keep in touch and I'll encourage you to use this talk page to document discussions, progress or use it as a resource page so that we can support you as you progress. Of course, this is if you have the bandwidth and find it useful. =)

All the best!

Regards, Jacqueline JChen (WMF) (talk) 08:18, 8 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hello @Jacqueline,
Thank you for the wonderful news! I think this is a very good opportunity for us.
Thank you very much for your continued support.
Of course, we would like to keep in touch with you often. Could you please give us further advice?
Regards, Kizhiya (talk) 09:03, 9 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
たくさんのご指摘をありがとうございます。今後ともどうぞご指導くださいますようお願い申し上げます。 Kizhiya (talk) 09:05, 9 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

Additional Resources


Hello @Kizhiya,

I'm starting a thread on resource sharing here. Please feel free to add resources about your project and we'll do the same if we come across any materials that may be useful.

Thank you. JChen (WMF) (talk) 08:20, 8 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

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