Grants talk:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Rapid Fund/WikiTutur:Kolaborasi Wiktionary dan Lingua Libre untuk Pelestarian Bahasa di Indonesia (ID: 22378290)

Endorsment from Bennylin


I'm a long timer Wiktionarian from Indonesia and is currently admin in two of them. I think this effort is very important to us, the Indonesian people, to preserve the local languages where there is a dearth of resources and provide a voice (and a venue to record them, hopefully for posterity) for the native speakers of these languages. I was reading an article about AI and voice recording article in TIME magazine yesterday, and as I was reading this proposal, I can see that in the future, this endeavor will be very useful to the application of AGI in those low-resource languages as well. I hope this project would be successful in setting a benchmark, and provide a wealth of learning experience, and you can share the result in the future conferences such as WikiNusantara, ESEAPCon, and Wikimania, and other local 700+ languages of Indonesia would also get a chance to be represented verbally as well. Lastly, I just want to share a similar project that may be of interest called CommonVoice from Mozilla, where future contributors in this project might also be interested in, after this project is finished.

-- Bennylin 04:43, 25 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

Endorsment from Affandy Murad (talk)


--Affandy Murad (talk) 06:39, 25 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

Endorsment from Marwan Mohamad


For me, Wiktionary (Wikikamus) is a source of basic language knowledge. Here we learn starting from word classes and their derivatives, how to pronounce them, how to make sentences based on basic words and their derivative words. All the steps above will be perfect pieces of the puzzle if we record the sound of the words and sentences. I see this proposal as a pilot project that will make Wiktionary more developed and can help speakers of local languages in Indonesia to be able to preserve their own mother tongue. As a speaker and admin of Wiktionary Gorontalo, I have included more than 1.500 Gorontalo language entries in the Indonesian Wiktionary group (the local language ranks 2nd with the most entries in Wiktionary Indonesia) and this can be continued by providing voices via Lingua Libre. Apart from that, we also launched the Gorontalo language Wiktionary on January 4 2023, which now contains more than 10,000 entries, becoming one of the fastest growing Wiktonaries. All of this requires support, and the above proposal will be an example that encourages the growth of all Wiktionary in Indonesia. Regard.

Marwan Mohamad (talk) 22:26, 7 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

Endorsment form Agus Damanik


The applicant is the person you need to depend on Wiktionary Project in Indonesia. All support that i give to the applicant for the grant Agus Damanik (talk) 22:27, 23 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

Partially funded / Didanai sebagian


Hello Ardzun, thanks for putting together this comprehensive proposal. We are excited to hear about your plans to document local languages and enrich Indonesian Wiktionary. We made a decision to partially fund this grant request in the amount of 4,200 USD (68.344.932,57 IDR). We made this decision based on the following recommended changes:

  • Given the high costs for travel and accommodation, we are funding only travels to 5 locations. We are not funding travel, per diem, workshop, and other costs for Jakarta-Gorontalo.
  • We also don't fund expenses for Video recording. We think that the team should use already available resources and localize them, instead of creating another video resource.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Halo Ardzun, terima kasih telah menyusun proposal yang komprehensif ini. Kami sangat senang mendengar rencana Anda untuk mendokumentasikan bahasa-bahasa daerah dan memperkaya Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Kami memutuskan untuk mendanai sebagian permohonan hibah ini sebesar 4.200 USD ( IDR 68.344.932,57). Kami membuat keputusan ini berdasarkan perubahan yang direkomendasikan berikut ini:

  • Mengingat tingginya biaya perjalanan dan akomodasi, kami hanya mendanai perjalanan ke 5 lokasi. Kami tidak mendanai biaya perjalanan, uang saku, lokakarya, dan biaya lainnya untuk Jakarta-Gorontalo.
  • Kami juga tidak mendanai biaya untuk perekaman video. Kami berpikir bahwa tim harus menggunakan sumber daya yang sudah tersedia dan melokalkannya, daripada membuat sumber daya video lain.

Beritahu saya jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan. DSaroyan (WMF) (talk) 11:05, 29 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

Requesting for extension - APPROVED


Hello @JChen (WMF)! Once the WikiTutur series was running, we managed to record and upload [8.068 files, you can see the files here ] and produce edits on [3.491 entries, you can see the entries here ].

The remaining funds are currently 15.901.206 IDR or 981.85 USD. We plan to allocate Edit-A-Thon (Offline Meet-up, we called it by "Kopdar") to six cities with the largest number of participants. Edit-A-Thon will focus on adding entries and inserting audio on Wiktionary Indonesia. In this regard, we also plan to extend this rapid grant until 20 June 2024 due to the obstruction of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr holidays in our country.

On this WikiTutur Offline Meet-up series, we are targetting minimum 60 participants from the last WikiTutur Workshops (Online-Offline), 1200 lemmas/entries editted in Wiktionary bahasa Indonesia, and 600 audio uploaded to Wikimedia Commons.

Here we attach the draft budget and timeline ( If you have questions, please let us know. Ardzun (talk) 02:43, 9 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

Hello @Ardzun,
Thanks for applying for a project extension and also a reallocation of budget.
Based on your outreach, what are some observations/ trends you have noticed about the communities you reach out to? Apart from participation, contribution to wikiprojsects, could you speak more about your project's expected impact on community health, satisfaction and engagement?
Thank you.
Jacqueline JChen (WMF) (talk) 03:05, 9 April 2024 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for your response, @JChen (WMF)! From the WikiTutur series so far, it turns out that many Indonesians are interested in preserving local languages. But so far there hasn't been an easy way. After this event, many participants learned that there is an easy way to preserve language. Then, many new participants after participating in WikiTutur activities became interested in becoming part of Wikimedia, such as by creating a local community in Bandarlampung.
WikiTutur events which are generally promoted can reach various groups from students to professionals and raise awareness for Wikimedian who have mastered regional languages to participate in preserving their languages.
Apart from that, for other existing local communities, our activities are a new alternative for Wikimedian to contribute to freeing up knowledge. This activity has also reached local language speakers who have never before had representation in the online sphere, especially in free license media. (The news:
Our aim in holding "Kopdar" is to familiarize participants with remaining enthusiastic about contributing, especially to new communities like Bandarlampung. If it is not facilitated to gather, especially for new users, then their continued contribution will decrease. Apart from that, we also hope that this activity will be the beginning for the Wikimedia communities to develop Wiktionary which is accompanied by a way of reading a word. If it has been implemented in Indonesian Wiktionary, in the future the community will try to apply it in their respective domains along with more complete regional dialects. Ardzun (talk) 06:08, 9 April 2024 (UTC)Reply
Hello @Ardzun,
Thank you for your response. Your request for a) end date extension and b) budget reallocation has been approved. The new grant end date is 30 June 2024 and your final report is due 30 July 2024. Please feel free to submit your report early if you have completed your project ahead of time.
Jacqueline JChen (WMF) (talk) 01:51, 17 April 2024 (UTC)Reply
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