Grants talk:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Rapid Fund/Wikimedia Training Tour in GIEHPCI Community (Groupement pour l’Insertion des Elèves et Etudiants Handicapés Physiques de Côte d’Ivoire). (ID: 22222334)

Partially Funded


Hello @Aristidek5maya thank you for applying for the rapid fund grant. We reviewed and approved the grant in the amount of 2,787,705 XOF ($4,500 USD) with the following comments:

  • We recommend a review of the budget line items related to internet costs, coordination, and printing certificates. We recommend that the team considers providing online certificates instead.
  • The proposal mentions collaboration with the president of the GIEHPCI and the Wikimedia Club of ISTC Polytechnique d'Abidjan, which is excellent. However, consider expanding on the ways in which these partners will be actively engaged throughout the project. Describe any discussions or consultations held so far and the areas of alignment that you see. Additionally, consider detailing any feedback mechanisms or channels that will be established to collect input from participants during and after the workshops.
  • While you have outlined specific targets for the number of participants, editors, and content contributions, it would be helpful to explain how these targets were determined. Providing context on why these particular numbers were chosen can strengthen the proposal. Additionally, consider adding specific success criteria or indicators that will be used to assess the impact of the training workshops. This could include metrics related to participant engagement, knowledge retention, or sustained contributions after the workshops.
  • Consider providing specific details about the content of the training workshops and the curriculum planned for the participants. It will be nice to have a clear outline of the topics to be covered, the methodologies to be used. Additionally, consider elaborating on how the content of the workshops will be tailored to meet the needs of physically disabled participants, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility.

Best of luck with your project!

Best regards, (On behalf of the Middle East and Africa regional funds team) ~~~~ YPam (WMF) (talk) 07:26, 31 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hello @YPam (WMF),
Thank you very much for your response and know that all your recommendations will be taken into account for the success of the project. However, I would like to know if you would like me to provide answers to points 3 and 4 mentioned in the comments above please ?
Cordially, Aristidek5maya (talk) 14:03, 31 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Hello @Aristidek5maya you can share those answers by adding to the proposal, or by sharing here. Either way would be alright. Thank you. YPam (WMF) (talk) 03:17, 2 November 2023 (UTC)Reply
Hello @YPam (WMF), here are the answers :
  • While you have outlined specific targets for the number of participants, editors, and content contributions, it would be helpful to explain how these targets were determined. Providing context on why these particular numbers were chosen can strengthen the proposal. Additionally, consider adding specific success criteria or indicators that will be used to assess the impact of the training workshops. This could include metrics related to participant engagement, knowledge retention, or sustained contributions after the workshops.

These objectives were determined based on the results of past projects. Although we have always gone beyond the numbers provided in the metrics in terms of results; during the previous project, instead of 30 citations to add to Wikiquote that we set ourselves as an objective, we were only able to add 25 during the duration of the project due to the rarity of citations in the works that we consulted . It is therefore out of prudence that we have defined the objectives to be achieved this time in terms of figures, while being certain to do more. Also, we think it's great the idea of ​​including measures related to participants' contributions after the workshops, because this would allow us to see if they continue to work after the workshops or not.

  • Consider providing specific details about the content of the training workshops and the curriculum planned for the participants. It will be nice to have a clear outline of the topics to be covered, the methodologies to be used. Additionally, consider elaborating on how the content of the workshops will be tailored to meet the needs of physically disabled participants, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility.

We will indeed ensure that workshop content is adapted to meet the needs of physically disabled participants. To do this, we have already scheduled meetings with their manager in order to identify their specific needs; and above all define together a suitable place for the training so that they have no difficulty in coming to participate. As for the content of the training, participants will be trained on the Wikidata, Wikipedia, Wikimedia commons and Wikiquote projects. The topics to be covered will be of all kinds. We don’t have any specific topics we will be working on. However, we will ensure that at the end of the training, they all know how to contribute to these different Wikimedia projects. --Aristidek5maya (talk) 12:53, 14 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

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