Grants talk:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Rapid Fund/Wikipedia mental health awareness campaign (ID: 22281741)

Not Funded


Hello @Abhal555 thank you for applying for the rapid fund grant. We reviewed your grant application and decided to not fund your application at this time. Here is some feedback that you might all consider as you work towards a coordinated and potentially more impactful effort;

  • It is important that you ensure that your project budget document is accessible.
  • If there are any partnerships or collaborations planned with LGBTQ+ organizations, mental health institutions, or other relevant groups, to is important to provide details about these partnerships.
  • The application mentions the lead applicant but there is no project team associated with the project. Additionally, it is important to provide clarity regarding the ongoing community engagements related to your project plans. Consider providing background information how you are engaging with the communities ahead of implementing the project to ensure buy-in and engagement. Doing this can greatly increase the impact potential for your project.

Best regards, (On behalf of the Middle East and Africa regional funds team) ~~~~ YPam (WMF) (talk) 23:20, 30 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

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