Grants talk:Project/Rapid/Ivanhercaz/Wikimedian in Residence (FO-BNP)

Latest comment: 5 years ago by DarwIn in topic Grant application declined

Comentários e sugestões


Olá @Ivanhercaz and DarwIn:. Muito legal a iniciativa de vocês. Parabéns!! Uso bastante o Zotero, que imagino ser útil tanto na FO quanto na BNP. Vendo que vocês são mágicos com o Wikidata, sugiro que vejam a d:Wikidata:Zotero, que fala da integração do Zotero com o Wikidata. Boas! --Ixocactus (talk) 03:46, 17 July 2019 (UTC)Reply

Olá Ixocactus! Estou feliz que você gosta desta iniciativa. Eu também uso Zotero, é uma de essas ferramentas úteis no âmbito da investigação e da divulgação, onde incluo os Projetos Wikimedia. A integração de Zotero com o Wikidata é muito interessante e é trabalhado com ela. Pode ser algo muito interessante para as instituições, tanto para eles mesmos como para que eles animem a os investigadores a participar na criação de elementos em Wikidata para as obras que citam.
Uma última coisa, corregi o link a página de Zotero em Wikidata, faltava o prefixe d:. Seguimos em contacto! Muito obrigado por todos seus comentários!
Cumprimentos, Ivanhercaz (talk) 17:17, 17 July 2019 (UTC)Reply

Date change suggestion


Hi everyone,

@Tetizeraz, Ixocactus, Alexmar983, Estevoaei, Hispalois, Discasto, Abián, Maria zaos, Manuel Ramírez Sánchez, Stanglavine, Millars, El Pantera, GoEThe, and Laura Fiorucci: I want to discuss and know what everyone think about a date change suggestion for this project that I have in mind for several reasons. I mentioned the users that have endorsed this grant because I really value their opinions and I want they know all possible changes or suggestions. Excuse me if the mention is an inconvenience for someone.

Some time ago me and another mates from the Canary Islands and Wikimedia Spain were invited to attend and present a talk in WikiArabia 2019. I have been thinking about this because Wikiarabia is going to be the first week of October. However, I set the start and end date of this grant before to know the confirmed date for Wikiarabia. Due this situation I thought about to change the beginning date from September 16th to October 14th and the end date from December 16th to January 30th. So I propose 14/10/19-30/01/20 as the new period to perform this project. I want to highlight this new period is more in days, because I want to balance out the Christmas time and possible holidays in Portugal.

I already contacted with DarwIn and the people in charge of the institutions to notice this change. With them I think this won't be a problem but I want to notice you and the WMF staff involved the review of the rapid grants.

I would like to attend to the Wikibase workshop Berlin 2019 (27/10) too, but this workshop would not affect to this grant because it would be in the weekend. Although it would be very interesting to acquire more knowledge for this project, I don't know if I am going to be able to attend to this workshop due to some issues.

Thank you for your attention. If you have any doubt, please tell me, I will try to solve it.

Best regards, Ivanhercaz (talk) 20:15, 25 July 2019 (UTC)Reply

That sounds well thought out. --Hispalois (talk) 15:30, 26 July 2019 (UTC)Reply
Well, due to the feedback I had now and the days passed, I am going to change the date in rapid grant proposal. Thanks to everyone! Regards, Ivanhercaz (talk) 15:58, 30 July 2019 (UTC)Reply

@Ivanhercaz: Sorry, Iván, I've been on holidays. No problem from my side. --Discasto (talk) 22:37, 30 July 2019 (UTC)Reply

@Discasto: Don't worry, Discasto! With your comment, the one by Hispalois and some feedback I received by another ways, I finally decided to apply the suggested change. I am happy that you, and anyone, don't see any problem with this change. Regards, Ivanhercaz (talk) 09:16, 31 July 2019 (UTC)Reply

Grant application declined


Hello, Ivanhercaz, DarwIn and all the Wikimedians who have chimed in, endorsed, and contributed to this grant request. We are grateful for all the efforts you make for the Wiki movement. Unfortunately, this request is not aligned with the scope of initiatives funded by Rapid Grants. For the past few months, we have been moving away from funding longer initiatives, as well as individuals' time, because these are needs covered by the Project Grants program, and Project Grants are also better equipped to shape and follow-up with more ambitious proposals like this. This shift in our funding, as well as the outcomes of the Movement Strategy 2020 discussions, are reflected in the updated Rapid Grants funding guidelines. The Project Grants program will be publishing updated funding guidelines in the coming weeks; you are welcome to adjust this proposal to those guidelines and resubmit it to Project Grants then, and you are also welcome to submit Rapid Grant requests for other initiatives of yours that might meet the scope of the program. Regards, MMontes (WMF) (talk) 03:35, 1 August 2019 (UTC)Reply

Hi MMontes (WMF) The Rapid Grants funding guidelines seem to very clearly state this grant is on scope for this program: "Eligible for funding: Wikipedian-in-Residence to collect resources, train/engage GLAM and Wikimedian community, and organize events around integrating content". This was a unique 2 month program to set up the GLAMs initially, to give us some time to look for additional funding for another WiR period, without letting our partners down for a long time. Waiting for the Project Grants means stopping pretty much everything on those projects for many months; means that Ivan may be not available by then. It also means that the GLAM partners may lose interest in the projects and walk away. Can you please clarify why the grant was declined, and hopefully review your decision?--- Darwin Ahoy! 20:19, 2 August 2019 (UTC)Reply
MMontes (WMF) - Could you please respond to this query as it seems the grant guidelines clearly state the WiR activities as proposed are within scope. -- Fuzheado (talk) 15:00, 16 October 2019 (UTC)Reply
I just realized that by mistake I didn't endorse Ivan's grant. Nevertheless, I would like to regret this decision very much. As a former worker of the National Library of Portugal (BNP) and being involved with the partnership with Wikimedia Portugal, soon we realized that our understaffed institution and lack of training of Wikimedia projects were not enough to have a consistent project using either Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons or Wikidata. I can testify that BNP was very much interested in engaging with Wikimedia GLAM initiatives and has tons of data to release, but it needs help. Iván's project was straight to the point and very much what they needed to, in a short period of time, be more autonomous and continue the work started with Wikimedia Portugal on BNP. This is a huge drawback on what was the beginning of a great collaboration with two major Portuguese institutions: The National Library and the Orient Foundation. It is very disturbing, especially for newcomers, to see the WMF doesn't have in account the disparities of countries and their resources. Portugal has a fragile and small wikimedian community and the last 2 years there was a growing momentum of new editors and GLAM people interested in participating in GLAM Wikimedia initiatives. I hope Ivanhercaz has the time to submit a grant project (although nothing suggests this will be accepted). Let's see the outcome of this and I hope this decision can be reverted. Miguelmcorreia 13:14, 5 August 2019 (UTC).Reply

MMontes (WMF) are you there? We never got an answer to our questions here. The refusal of this grant was a serious setback for the National Library and Fundação Oriente projects, and we would like to know the reasons it was refused, as apparently everything was inline with the rules.--- Darwin Ahoy! 20:04, 22 January 2020 (UTC)Reply

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