Grants talk:Project/Rapid/UG LV/Wiki Loves Earth 2019/Report

Latest comment: 5 years ago by DSaroyan (WMF) in topic Report accepted

Comments from WMF


Hello Papuass, thank you for submitting this comprehensive grant report. Congratulations on meeting all your initial goals! We are excited that there are so many wonderful photos from Latvia! I have reviewed your expense documentation and accepted it.

  • Before we accept the full report and mark your grant as complete, we would like you to return unused funds to WMF. After sending the wire, please email a copy of your transfer receipt to grantsadmin If you have already sent the remaining funds and emailed transfer receipt, please let me know, so I can confirm it with our finance team.

Thank you again for your hard work in organizing Wiki Loves Earth 2019 in Latvia! Best regards, DSaroyan (WMF) (talk) 08:54, 25 February 2020 (UTC)Reply

As I replied in email: funds were returned and email sent on 30 December 2019. --Papuass (talk) 10:11, 25 February 2020 (UTC)Reply

Report accepted


Hello Papuass, thank you for your response. We confirmed receipt of the remaining funds and updated the report page. Thank you for your patience and apologies for our delay. Since the remaining funds are settled, I have accepted your final report as well. This grant is now complete. Best regards, DSaroyan (WMF) (talk) 06:55, 26 February 2020 (UTC)Reply

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